*** Source Code: https://git.io/vbiLi ***
[X] 1. Create a React-Native Project using create-react-native-app tool
[ ] 2. Create a static View for a List of Books.
[ ] 3. Create a method to Get List of Books via REST.
[ ] 4. Create a method to Create a Book via REST.
[ ] 5. Create a method to Edit a Book via REST.
[ ] 6. Create a method to Delete a Book via REST.
[ ] ...
# Using NPM
$ npm install -g create-react-native-app
# Using YARN
$ yarn global add create-react-native-app
# Using create-react-native-app
$ create-react-native-app Books # replace Books with your Project Name
# Using NPM
$ npm start
# Using YARN
$ yarn start