First, install the client by running
source <(curl -sSL
The installer may ask for your password at some point.
When the installer is complete, next set your API token.
export WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN=<your token here>
Finally, update the executable's permissions.
chmod +x ./plex
Once the client is installed, you can run the following command in the newly-created plex
folder to run equibind.
./plex -app equibind -input-dir ./testdata -gpu false
To do a dry run that just prints a Bacalhau command
./plex -app equibind -input-dir ./testdata/pdbbind_processed_size1 -dry=true
This is a script for setting up a compute instance to run LabDAO jobs. Requires linux OS with Nvidia GPU.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Nvidia T4, V100, and A10 GPUs (AWS G4, P3, and G5 instance types)
The install script sets up Docker, Nvidia Drivers, Nvidia Container Toolkit, and IPFS
curl -sL | bash && newgrp docker
After the script run the following command in a separate terminal to start a Bacalhau server to accept jobs.
ipfs daemon
Once the daemon is running, configure the Bacalhau node based on the addresses used by the IFPS node.
ipfs id
# copy the ip4 tcp output and change port 4001 to 5001 then export
export IPFS_CONNECT=/ip4/<your id goes here>
# example: export IPFS_CONNECT=/ip4/
LOG_LEVEL=debug bacalhau serve --job-selection-accept-networked --limit-total-gpu 1 --limit-total-memory 12gb --ipfs-connect $IPFS_CONNECT
To download large bacalhau results the below command may need ran
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2500000