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Welcome! 👋 Moviez Land.

About The Project

The main challenge is to build out this full page website with react and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

Users should be able to:

  1. View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size.
  2. See the movies section's.
  3. See the Movie detils and some related movies
  4. see actor detils
  5. search for moviez
  6. infint scroll
  7. Bulid Movies libarary for the movies you wanna save it for later.
  8. I do not have access to the Figma sketch so the design is not pixel perfect.

Built with

  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux TollKit
  • RTK Query
  • React Bootstrap
  • React Icon's
  • Swiper.js

What I learned

A great project to practice on React, React Router, Redux TollKit, RTK Query,React Bootstrap, React icon's, Swiper.js.

Thanks for checking out Have fun cOdErZ!** 🚀