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hbsvg: A Simple SVG Library in Harbour

hbsvg is a minimalistic library for creating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files using the Harbour programming language. This library adheres to the W3C SVG standard and is designed to simplify various graphic tasks.

Getting Started

For more info see getting started.



   LOCAL x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2
   LOCAL a
   LOCAL i, r := 200
   LOCAL svg

   svg := svg_init( "example_01.svg", 830, 450 )

   svg_set_background( svg, 0x530972 )

   x := 415
   y := 225

   a := 2 * PI() / 6

   svg_hexagon( svg, x, y, r + 10, 6, 0, 0xFAF2FE )
   svg_filled_hexagon( svg, x, y, r, 0, 0x5C6BBF )

   FOR i := 0 TO 2
      x1 = x + r * cos( a * i + PI() / 6 )
      y1 = y + r * sin( a * i + PI() / 6 )
      x2 = x + r * cos( a * ( i + 1 ) + PI() / 6 )
      y2 = y + r * sin( a * ( i + 1 ) + PI() / 6 )
      svg_filled_triangle( svg, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0x283492 )

   svg_circle( svg, x, y, 100, 66, 0xFFFFFF )

   x1 = x + r * cos( a * 5 + PI() / 6 )
   y1 = y + r * sin( a * 5 + PI() / 6 )
   x2 = x + r * cos( a * ( 5 + 1 ) + PI() / 6 )
   y2 = y + r * sin( a * ( 5 + 1 ) + PI() / 6 )
   svg_filled_triangle( svg, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0x3848AA )
   svg_close( svg )




Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request.
