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Peter Saint-Andre committed Oct 2, 2006
0 parents commit 2ac91f5
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Showing 219 changed files with 93,420 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# for each XEP, generates HTML file and IETF reference, then copies XML file
# also generates HTML for the README and template
# finally, copies the stylesheet, DTD, and schema
# usage: ./


ls xep-0*.xml > tmp.txt
sed s/xep-\(.*\).xml/\1/ tmp.txt > nums.txt
rm tmp.txt

while read f
xsltproc xep.xsl xep-$f.xml > $xeppath/xep-$f.html
xsltproc ref.xsl xep-$f.xml > $xeppath/refs/reference.JSF.XEP-$f.xml
cp xep-$f.xml $xeppath/
done < nums.txt

rm nums.txt

xsltproc xep.xsl xep-README.xml > $xeppath/README.html
xsltproc xep.xsl xep-template.xml > $xeppath/template.html

cp xep.dtd $xeppath/
cp xep.ent $xeppath/
cp xep.xsd $xeppath/
cp xep.xsl $xeppath/


187 changes: 187 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# File:
# Version: 0.8
# Description: a script for announcing XEPs
# Last Modified: 2006-10-03
# Author: Peter Saint-Andre ([email protected])
# License: public domain
# HowTo: ./ xepnum dbuser dbpw 'cvsmodsurl'
# NOTE: the cvsmodsurl MUST be in quotes!

import glob
import MySQLdb
import os
from select import select
import smtplib
import socket
from string import split,strip,join,find
import sys
import time
from xml.dom.minidom import parse,parseString,Document

def getText(nodelist):
thisText = ""
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
thisText = thisText +
return thisText

# get the seconds in the Unix era
now = int(time.time())

# 1. XEP number
# 2. database user
# 3. database password

xepnum = sys.argv[1];
dbuser = sys.argv[2];
dbpw = sys.argv[3];
mods = sys.argv[4];

xepfile = 'xep-' + xepnum + '.xml'

# - title
# - abstract
# - version
# - date
# - initials
# - remark

thexep = parse(xepfile)
xepNode = (thexep.getElementsByTagName("xep")[0])
headerNode = (xepNode.getElementsByTagName("header")[0])
titleNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("title")[0])
title = getText(titleNode.childNodes)
abstractNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("abstract")[0])
abstract = getText(abstractNode.childNodes)
statusNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("status")[0])
xepstatus = getText(statusNode.childNodes)
typeNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("type")[0])
xeptype = getText(typeNode.childNodes)
revNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("revision")[0])
versionNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("version")[0])
version = getText(versionNode.childNodes)
dateNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("date")[0])
date = getText(dateNode.childNodes)
initialsNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("initials")[0])
initials = getText(initialsNode.childNodes)
remNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("remark")[0])
# could be <p> or <ul>
testRemarkNode = remNode.firstChild.nodeName
# print testRemarkNode
if (testRemarkNode == "p"):
remarkNode = (remNode.getElementsByTagName("p")[0])
remark = getText(remarkNode.childNodes)
remark = "[See revision history]"

# what kind of action are we taking?
xepflag = ""
if (version == "0.1"):
xepflag = "new"
elif ((version == "1.0") & (xeptype == "Standards Track")):
xepflag = "draft"
elif ((version == "1.0") & (xeptype != "Standards Track")):
xepflag = "active"
elif (version == "2.0"):
xepflag = "final"
elif (xepstatus == "Retracted"):
xepflag = "retract"
elif (xepstatus == "Deferred"):
xepflag = "defer"

# number is $xepnum
# name is $title
# type is $xeptype
# status is $xepstatus
# notes is "Version $version of XEP-$xepnum released $date."
# version is $version
# last_modified is $now
# abstract is $abstract
# changelog is "$remark ($initials)"

db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", dbuser, dbpw, "foundation")
cursor = db.cursor()
theNotes = "Version " + version + " of XEP-" + xepnum + " released " + date + "."
theLog = remark + " (" + initials + ")"
if xepflag == "new":
theStatement = "INSERT INTO jeps VALUES ('" + str(xepnum) + "', '" + title + "', '" + xeptype + "', '" + xepstatus + "', '" + theNotes + "', '" + str(version) + "', '" + str(now) + "', '" + abstract + "', '" + theLog + "', '0', '5', 'Proposed', 'none');"
theStatement = "UPDATE jeps SET name='" + title + "', type='" + xeptype + "', status='" + xepstatus + "', notes='" + theNotes + "', version='" + str(version) + "', last_modified='" + str(now) + "', abstract='" + abstract + "', changelog='" + theLog + "' WHERE number='" + str(xepnum) + "';"
result = cursor.fetchall()

# From: [email protected]
# To: [email protected]
# Subject: UPDATED: XEP-$xepnum ($title)
# [or "NEW..." if version 0.1]
# Body:
# Version $version of XEP-$xepnum ($title) is now available.
# Abstract: $abstract
# Changelog: $remark ($initials)
# CVS Diff: $mods
# URL: http:$xepnum.html

fromaddr = "[email protected]"
# for testing...
# toaddrs = "[email protected]"
# for real...
toaddrs = "[email protected]"

if xepflag == "new":
thesubject = 'NEW: XEP-'
elif xepflag == "draft":
thesubject = 'DRAFT: XEP-'
toaddrs = toaddrs + ", [email protected]"
elif xepflag == "final":
thesubject = 'FINAL: XEP-'
toaddrs = toaddrs + ", [email protected]"
elif xepflag == "active":
thesubject = 'ACTIVE: XEP-'
elif xepflag == "retract":
thesubject = 'RETRACTED: XEP-'
elif xepflag == "defer":
thesubject = 'DEFERRED: XEP-'
thesubject = 'UPDATED: XEP-'
thesubject = thesubject + xepnum + ' (' + title + ')'

versionline = 'Version ' + version + ' of XEP-' + xepnum + ' (' + title + ') has been released.'
abstractline = 'Abstract: ' + abstract
changelogline = 'Changelog: ' + remark + ' (' + initials + ')'
modsline = 'CVS Diff: ' + mods
urlline = 'URL: http:' + xepnum + '.html'

msg = "From: XMPP Extensions Editor <%s>\r\n" % fromaddr
msg = msg + "To: %s\r\n" % toaddrs
msg = msg + "Subject: %s\r\n" % thesubject
msg = msg + versionline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + abstractline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + changelogline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + modsline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + urlline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"

server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)


9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# archive an old version of a XEP (before publishing new version)
# usage: ./ xepnum version


cp $xeppath/xep-$1.html $jeppath/attic/xep-$1-$2.html

# end
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# File:
# Version: 0.2
# Description: a script for setting a JEP to Deferred
# Last Modified: 2006-04-24
# Author: Peter Saint-Andre ([email protected])
# License: public domain
# HowTo: ./ jepnum dbuser dbpw

import glob
import MySQLdb
import os
from select import select
import smtplib
import socket
from string import split,strip,join,find
import sys
import time
from xml.dom.minidom import parse,parseString,Document

def getText(nodelist):
thisText = ""
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
thisText = thisText +
return thisText

# get the seconds in the Unix era
now = int(time.time())

# 1. JEP number
# 2. database user
# 3. database password

jepnum = sys.argv[1];
dbuser = sys.argv[2];
dbpw = sys.argv[3];

jepfile = jepnum + '/jep-' + jepnum + '.xml'

# - title
# - abstract
# - version
# - date
# - initials
# - remark

thejep = parse(jepfile)
jepNode = (thejep.getElementsByTagName("jep")[0])
headerNode = (jepNode.getElementsByTagName("header")[0])
titleNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("title")[0])
title = getText(titleNode.childNodes)
abstractNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("abstract")[0])
abstract = getText(abstractNode.childNodes)
statusNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("status")[0])
jepstatus = getText(statusNode.childNodes)
typeNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("type")[0])
jeptype = getText(typeNode.childNodes)
revNode = (headerNode.getElementsByTagName("revision")[0])
versionNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("version")[0])
version = getText(versionNode.childNodes)
dateNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("date")[0])
date = getText(dateNode.childNodes)
initialsNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("initials")[0])
initials = getText(initialsNode.childNodes)
remarkNode = (revNode.getElementsByTagName("remark")[0])
remark = getText(remarkNode.childNodes)

# number is $jepnum
# name is $title
# type is $jeptype
# status is $jepstatus
# notes is "Version $version of JEP-$jepnum released $date."
# version is $version
# last_modified is $now
# abstract is $abstract
# changelog is "$remark ($initials)"

db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", dbuser, dbpw, "foundation")
cursor = db.cursor()
theNotes = "Version " + version + " of JEP-" + jepnum + " released " + date + "; consideration deferred because of inactivity."
theLog = remark + " (" + initials + ")"
theStatement = "UPDATE jeps SET name='" + title + "', type='" + jeptype + "', status='Deferred', notes='" + theNotes + "', version='" + str(version) + "', last_modified='" + str(now) + "', abstract='" + abstract + "', changelog='" + theLog + "' WHERE number='" + str(jepnum) + "';"
result = cursor.fetchall()

# From: [email protected]
# To: [email protected]
# Subject: DEFERRED: JEP-$jepnum ($title)
# Body:
# JEP-$jepnum ($title) has been Deferred because of inactivity.
# Abstract: $abstract
# URL: http:$jepnum.html
# If and when a new revision of this JEP is published,
# its status will be changed back to Experimental.

fromaddr = "[email protected]"
# for testing...
# toaddrs = "[email protected]"
# for real...
toaddrs = "[email protected]"

thesubject = 'DEFERRED: JEP-' + jepnum + " (" + title + ")"
introline = 'JEP-' + jepnum + ' (' + title + ') has been Deferred because of inactivity.'
abstractline = 'Abstract: ' + abstract
urlline = 'URL: http:' + jepnum + '.html'
endline = 'If and when a new revision of this JEP is published, its status will be changed back to Experimental.'

#msg = "From: %s\r\n" % fromaddr
msg = "From: JEP Editor <%s>\r\n" % fromaddr
msg = msg + "To: %s\r\n" % toaddrs
msg = msg + "Subject: %s\r\n" % thesubject
msg = msg + introline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + abstractline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + urlline
msg = msg + "\r\n\n"
msg = msg + endline
msg = msg + "\r\n"

server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)


21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions editor.shtml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<title>XEP Editor</title>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/head.txt" -->
<h2>XEP Editor</h2>
<p>In accordance with <a href="jep-0001.html">XEP-0001</a>, the XEP Editor is responsible for overall management of the Jabber Software Foundation's standards process and publication of <a href="/extensions/">XMPP Extension Protocols</a>; in particular, the XEP Editor:</p>
<li>works with XEP authors</li>
<li>ensures that each XEP is properly formatted</li>
<li>assigns a unique number to each XEP</li>
<li>assigns or modifies the status of each XEP</li>
<li>maintains each XEP under <a href="http:">source control</a></li>
<li>maintains the canonical <a href="/extensions/">list of XEPs</a></li>
<li>publishes each XEP to the website</li>
<li>publicly announces the existence and status of each XEP</li>
<li>gathers and tallies the votes of the <a href="/council/">XMPP Council</a></li>
<li>fulfills the responsibilities of the <a href="/registrar/">XMPP Registrar</a></li>
<p>Since the founding of the Jabber Software Foundation in 2001, the XEP Editor has been <a href="http:">Peter Saint-Andre</a>, who may be contacted via &lt;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#116;&#111;&#114;&#64;&#106;&#97;&#98;&#98;&#101;&#114;&#46;&#111;&#114;&#103&gt;.</p>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/foot.txt" -->

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