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Periphery Contracts

This repository contains the periphery smart contracts for the DerpDEX Protocol. For the lower level core contracts, see the derpdex-core repository.

Bug bounty

This repository is subject to DerpDEX bug bounty program, per terms defined here.


Contract Testnet Mainnet
SwapRouter 0x28b6EFCd70F7165644B55c844181EdF31687aA65 0x3de80D2d9dCa6F6357C77EF89ee1f7Db3Bba3c3f
PositionManager 0xf70B4CD44b0750f2eEbb1A943f7a6c27C67E98C3 0x7F4cB0666B700dF62E7fD0aB30e7C354Aa0A1890
WETH9 0xC3ec043C150c945652A09D7E47F856AC9fB0F893 0x5aea5775959fbc2557cc8789bc1bf90a239d9a91
NFTDescriptor 0x43A23E0849A42BE02e1FE376848252a9537E2953 0xA1E4b0a4FcF829d725F0267840eeB0ce18749BF5
TickLens 0xB00156710AbB3D1186C7c2C78CEdDcAECA6aC45B 0xc5A4875617A4935f2f063B050b66925DDd1FB2C0
QuoterV2 0x0c225eF0Df2655bdDC457c1674301C83b7B4Ed8a 0x48237655EFC513a79409882643eC987591dd6a81
V3Migrator 0xC55656d0f182E3E463F05Edb2BCBFc6e854BF5Cd 0xb1ef06BCC2A8F63597d5779c00D72b2ae4bb592C
nftDescriptorLibrary 0xe66F80eF756010719b1c4eeF59eED3fE3a4c255A 0x69B41D94DA0a3415dAb6b80d3Bb501BE5bafb03A


Three zksync networks are supported (local, testnet, mainnet). The NODE_ENV environment variable should be updated before deploying the contracts.

1. NFTDescriptor

The NFTDescriptor library should be deployed first and the address should be updated in addresses/index.ts.

export NODE_ENV=mainnet
yarn hardhat copmile && yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy/01_deployLibraries.ts

The address should be updated to the addresses/index.ts file.

2. Periphery Contracts

export NODE_ENV=mainnet
yarn hardhat copmile && yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy/02_deploy.ts

After deployment, address of NonfungiblePositionManager contract should be updated in addresses/index.ts

3. Other Contracts

export NODE_ENV=mainnet
yarn hardhat copmile && yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy/03_deployOthers.ts

Manual Verification

The deploy scripts will verify the contracts. Following command can be used to manually verify the contracts.

$ yarn hardhat verify --network zkSyncNetwork CONTRACT_ADDRESS CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS 

To check verification Status

$ yarn hardhat verify-status --verification-id VERIFICATION_ID