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Derek's vimrc

Quick Start

Auto Install Config Files

Simply run this script to install and configure this vimrc in your $HOME dir

curl -o - | sh

Manual Install Config Files

Run these commands to get this Vim configuration working on Linux machine. You can run git pull inside of ~/.vim if you'd ever like to grab the latest version.

git clone ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Install Vim Plugins


Open Vim first and then run this command to install plugins.



Open Vim first and then run this command to update plugins.


A minimalist Vim plugin manager.

Command Description
PlugInstall [name ...] [#threads]` Install plugins
PlugUpdate [name ...] [#threads]` Install or update plugins
PlugClean[!]` Remove unused directories (bang version will clean without prompt}
PlugUpgrade` Upgrade vim-plug itself
PlugStatus` Check the status of plugins
PlugDiff` Examine changes from the previous update and the pending changes
PlugSnapshot[!] [output path]` Generate script for restoring the current snapshot of the plugins

A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines have been removed. You can also stage and undo individual hunks.

Command Description
GitGutterToggle You can explicitly turn vim-gitgutter off and on
Key Bindding Description
] + c (change) Jump to next hunk (change)
[ + c (change) Jump to previous hunk (change)

Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.

Invoke CtrlP

Command Description
CtrlP Invoke CtrlP in find file mode
CtrlPBuffer Invoke CtrlP in find buffer
CtrlPMRU Invoke CtrlP in find MRU file mode

Once CtrlP is open

Key Bindding Description
Ctrl + f (forward) Scroll to the next' search mode in the sequence
Ctrl + b (backward) Scroll to the 'previous' search mode in the sequence
Ctrl + d Toggle between full-path search and filename only search
Ctrl + r Toggle between the string mode and full regexp mode
Ctrl + t Open the selected file in a new 'tab'.
Ctrl + v Open the selected file in a 'vertical' split.
Ctrl + x, Ctrl + s, Ctrl + CR Open the selected file in a 'horizontal' split.
Ctrl + z Mark/unmark multiple files and to open them.
Key Bindding Description
<Leader> + <Leader> + w Beginning of word forward
<Leader> + <Leader> + b Beginning of word backward

Tagbar is a Vim plugin that provides an easy way to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure. It does this by creating a sidebar that displays the ctags-generated tags of the current file, ordered by their scope.

Invoke Tagbar

Command Description
F2 Toggle Tagbar window

The NERDTree is a file system explorer for the Vim editor. Using this plugin, users can visually browse complex directory hierarchies, quickly open files for reading or editing, and perform basic file system operations.

Invoke NerdTree

Command Description
F3 Toggle NerdTree window

Once NerdTree is open

Key Bindding Description
<CR> Open files, directories and bookmarks
t Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab
T Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab
i Open selected file in a split window
gi Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree
s Open selected file in a new vsplit
gi Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree

Comment functions so powerful—no comment necessary.

In normal mode or visual mode.

You can also add [count] before leader key in normal mode.

Key Bindding Description
<Leader> + c + c Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode.
<Leader> + c + u Uncomments the selected lines.
<Leader> + c + <SPACE> Toggles the comment state of the selected lines.
<Leader> + c + y Same as cc except that the commented lines are yanked first.

Fugitive.vim may very well be the best Git wrapper of all time.

Command Description
Gstatus Bring up the output of git-status in the preview window.
Gdiff Perform a vimdiff against the current file in the given revision.
Gblame Run git-blame on the file and open the results in a split window.

Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.

This plugin adds Go language support for Vim.

Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim created by Martin Grenfell. It runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved. If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn't have to compile their code or execute their script to find them.

Command Description
F9 Check syntax and open Error window


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