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The service is used for documents generation from templates

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Documents management service

The service is used for documents generation from templates (supports PDF, HTML and DOCX formats) and for signing generated documents using DocuSign.

The project is developed around two libraries: FastAPI and Python dependency injector.

Table of Contents

Prerequisites before developing

Before you start development of the feature in project you should set up account and application in DocuSign After signing and logging to DocuSign, you should generate JWT token.

Also, it would be better, if you install pyenv - Python version management.


  1. Firstly, you should install poetry - Python packaging and dependency management. If you use Linux based system you can use this shell script:

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  2. Secondly, Go to project with file pyproject.toml, create local environment and start it using the script below:

    poetry shell

    You have to use this script before starting application or when you need to update dependencies.

  3. After that you can install all dependencies, including development dependencies:

    poetry install
  4. Install pre-commit to set up the git hook scripts:

    pre-commit install

    Pre-commit will run on every commit automatically, and you must fix issues before committing changes.

  5. Starting services which are needed for development services:

    make tests-up
  6. Go through the link https://localhost:9000, enter the username and password (you can find it in docker-compose.yml file), create a test bucket with name 'testbucket', create a folder with name 'templates' and upload files from directory minio/data to folder 'templates'.

  7. Run script the below for creating tables for working with DynamoDB locally:

    make create-tables

    You can install NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB for viewing and working with tables locally.

    If you want to update table or add a new one to work with DynamoDB, you should update script

  8. Create file with name '.env', copy content of the file with name '.env.example' and paste it to file '.env'. After that you must fill in the values (DOCU_SIGN__CLIENT_ID, DOCU_SIGN__PRIVATE_KEY_ENCODED, DOCU_SIGN__ACCOUNT_ID, DOCU_SIGN__IMPERSONATED_USER_ID) if you are going to work with DocuSign. All list of environment variables and why they are needed you can check in the paragraph.

  9. Install AWS CLI in your local machine and configure account. If you don't have account, you should go to AWS Administrator or Team Manager. Strongly recommend using the second versions of AWS CLI.

  10. After all steps you can start your application locally using one of these scripts:

    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1' && uvicorn app.main:app --host localhost --port 8000
    make run

    You must specify AWS_DEFAULT_REGION variable when start your application.


The project uses pytest for running tests. The directory tests contains integration tests and separate tests for testings service. The directory tests has separate module which display the project modules.

If you want to run tests you should run these scripts:

export ENV_FILE_NAME='.env.tests' && \
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1' && \
poetry run pytest --cov=app --cov-report=term:skip-covered --cov-report=html:coverage --cov-fail-under=90 ./tests
make tests-run

Tests coverage should be above 90% for the whole project. After the running of the tests with coverage report, you can check result of coverage in this file


The project uses wemake-python-styleguide library (linter), which based on flake8, and mypy (static type checker). You can configure linter settings in setup.cfg file, but, firstly, discuss with your teammates. Static checker is run automatically before committing, and you can run statick checker using these scripts:

make static-check # flake8 and mypy
flake8 .
mypy .

Environment variables

This paragraph contain table with variables and description why it needed

Name of variable Description of variable Default Production
GOTENBERG__URL URL to the Gotenberg https://localhost:3000 Specified by DevOps
AWS_SETTINGS__ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key for Minio minioadmin Empty
AWS_SETTINGS__SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Secret access key for Minio IZts0i8E9E2slIkv Empty
STORAGE__ENDPOINT_URL URL for Minio https://localhost:9000/ Not used
STORAGE__MAIN_BUCKET_NAME Bucket, where service working with files testbucket Specified by DevOps
DYNAMO_STORAGE__ENDPOINT_URL URL for Localstack https://localhost:4566/ Not used
DYNAMO_STORAGE__DOCUMENTS_TABLE_NAME Table with request information Documents Specified by DevOps
DYNAMO_STORAGE__ENVELOPES_TABLE_NAME Table with envelope information Envelopes Specified by DevOps
DYNAMO_STORAGE__ENVELOPE_CALLBACKS_TABLE_NAME Table with envelope callbacks information EnvelopeCallbacks Specified by DevOps
DOCU_SIGN__CLIENT_ID Integration Key Empty Specified by DevOps
DOCU_SIGN__PRIVATE_KEY_ENCODED Base64 encoded private key generated using DocuSign API. Empty Specified by DevOps
DOCU_SIGN__ACCOUNT_ID API Account ID Empty Specified by DevOps
DOCU_SIGN__WEBHOOK_URL Full URL to our endpoint which process webhook data (api/v1/esign/webhook) Empty Specified by DevOps


Service name Address Docs Used in production
Gotenberg https://localhost:3000 Yes
Minio https://localhost:9000 No
Localstack (DynamoDB) https://localhost:4566 No

Code review, releases and committing

Code review in the project is required. To use or create semantic release - every commit must have one of the available prefixes (could be customized here):

  • (0.0.x) - increments last digit. Prefixes: docs, bug, fix, refactor;
  • (0.x.0) - increments middle digit. Prefixes: feature;
  • (x.0.0) - increments first digit. Prefixes: release;

Examples of commit messages:

  • git commit -m "bugfix: PRIME-123 | bug fixed";
  • git commit -m "bugfix(PRIME-123): bug fixed";
  • git commit -m "feature: PRIME-123 | bug fixed";


The service is used for documents generation from templates






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