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Getting Started

Denis Stepanov edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 22 revisions

Follow this sequence:

  1. Assemble transmitter and receiver modules
  2. Prepare setup to program ESP-01 and HC-12
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Program two HC-12 modules with "rfconf" sketch
  5. Program ESP-01S (remote module) with "nowifi" sketch
  6. Program ESP-01S (remote module) with "mailbox" sketch
  7. Program ESP-01 (local module) with "mailbox" sketch
  8. Power up and register the mailbox
  9. Setup Google Assistant relay (optional)
  10. Setup Telegram bot (optional)

0. Assemble Transmitter and Receiver Modules

Programs expect the corresponding hardware to run; so be sure to assemble local and remote module circuits, either on a breadboard, or on PCB. See Schematics for details.

1. Prepare Setup to Program ESP-01 and HC-12

ESP-01 and HC-12 need dedicated circuits for programming, different from the circuits where the program will execute. Again, see Schematics for sample connections using Arduino Uno.

2. Install Dependencies

The mailbox sketch is a pretty complex program, so several dependencies are needed:

Library Last Version Tested Remark
Arduino IDE 1.8.19
ESP8266 Core for Arduino 3.1.1 Install via Arduino Boards Manager
ESP-DS-System 1.1.3 Included with the sketch; no need to install separately
WiFiManager 0.16.0 Install via Arduino Library Manager
JLED 4.12.1 Install via Arduino Library Manager
AceButton 1.9.2 Install via Arduino Library Manager
Uptime-Library 1.0.0 Install via Arduino Library Manager
Assistant Relay 3.2.0 Only if you need Google Home interface. This is not Arduino software but a NodeJS package to be installed on Linux or Windows host next to the Google Home
ArduinoJson 6.20.1 Only if you need Telegram interface. Install via Arduino Library Manager
UniversalTelegramBot 1.3.0 Only if you need Telegram interface. Install via Arduino Library Manager

3. Program Two HC-12 Modules with "rfconf" Sketch

The rfconf sketch is made for Arduino Uno, so you need to select this board in Arduino IDE. If you are not using Arduino Uno, it could be equally run from some ESP8266 development board, like NodeMCU, but you will need to adapt wiring and PIN_HC12_TX, PIN_HC12_RX settings in the sketch.

Note that serial console speed for diagnostic output of this sketch is 9600 bod, not 115200. Somehow, when I set it to 115200, it does not seem to work.

The sketch sends several commands to HC-12, but only two of them are important:

Command Meaning
AT+FU4 Set ultra long distance communication mode
AT+C007 Set communication channel #7 (435.8 MHz)

If you want to change these defaults for whatever reason, I recommend you going through the HC-12 user manual for the options available (look for the latest 2.4 version). Changing communication mode from FU4 to something else will likely require changing various delays hardcoded into mailbox's Transmitter.cpp file, as well as adaptations in RF_* macros in Transceiver.h. Changing communication channel from #7 to something else will need adaptations in antennas (see Antennas for more details). The configuration must be identical for both HC-12 modules, otherwise they will not be able to communicate.

Program output should resemble to this:

+ Started.
++ Entering configuration mode...
++ Pinging...
++ Requesting module ID...
AT+V  HC-12_V2.4
++ Resetting to factory settings...
++ Factory settings:
++ Setting transmission mode...
++ Setting communication channel...
++ Finished. Configured settings:

If you do not see the commands sent, check your serial console settings. If you see the commands sent but not the OK+... replies, check your wiring and power on sequence, as specified in Schematics.

4. Program ESP-01S (Remote Module) with "nowifi" Sketch

The nowifi sketch is optional. This one-line program will turn the Wi-Fi circuit on remote module off, because it is of no use there. Turning it off helps reducing battery power consumption of the remote module during cold start. Cold start is a rare event, happening in situations like when replacing a battery. On warm start (normal mode) the remote module wakes up with the RF module already turned off, so the Wi-Fi settings do not matter. The setting is persistent, so this sketch needs to be loaded only once before uploading the actual remote module program. If, for whatever reason, you overwrite the entire flash of ESP-01S, you will need to reload this sketch again.

The reason this one-liner is made as a separate sketch is to avoid linking into remote module program the entire Wi-Fi support stack for the sole reason of turning it off on start.

5. Program ESP-01S (Remote Module) with "mailbox" Sketch

To activate compilation of remote module code, go to MySystem.h and uncomment the DS_MAILBOX_REMOTE macro. Normally, no other changes are needed. If you want to change the mailbox ID from the default #1, go to remote.ino.h and update the MAILBOX_ID macro. If you want the remote module to report to the receiver other than default #1, go to Transceiver.h and update the RECEIVER_ID macro.

Once this is done, set the following settings in Arduino IDE, then compile and flash the program:

Setting Value
Board Generic ESP8266 Module
Flash Size 1MB (FS:none)
Flash Mode QIO (fast) (if your board supports it; otherwise stick to DOUT)

6. Program ESP-01 (Local Module) with "mailbox" Sketch

To activate compilation of local module code, go to MySystem.h and comment out the DS_MAILBOX_REMOTE macro. If you would like to run emulator of remote module instead of real communication, uncomment DS_DEVBOARD macro. Telegram support is not included in compilation by default, as it doubles the size of the binary program; to enable it, set macro DS_SUPPORT_TELEGRAM. You might also want to update the time zone from default UTC to your time zone by setting DS_TIMEZONE macro. Refer to the list of available zones in the file TZ.h in ESP8266 Arduino Core.

If you want the local module to identify itself as the receiver other than default #1, go to Transceiver.h and change the RECEIVER_ID macro.

Local module will present itself in the network via mDNS as Mailbox.local. If you would like a different host name, set it in local.ino.h.

Once all the above is done, set the following settings in Arduino IDE, then compile and flash the program:

Setting Value (Production) Value (Emulator)
Board Generic ESP8266 Module Generic ESP8266 Module
Flash Size 1MB (FS:256kB) 1MB (FS:256kB)
Flash Mode DOUT (compatible) DOUT (compatible)
Builtin LED 1 2
Upload Speed 115200 460800

7. Power Up and Register the Mailbox

The first thing to do is to power up the freshly baked local module and connect it to your Wi-Fi network. The module is equipped with Wi-Fi manager, which can be activated with a button long press (at least 5 seconds). This will bring online a new Wi-Fi network with SSID Mailbox and password 42Mailbo (if you changed the host name in the previous step, the SSID and password will change too). Connect to this network, go to the captive portal (or any site if the portal does not pop up automatically). Follow the portal instructions to connect to your network. Once this is done, reconnect yourself to your network and go to the local module web interface https://mailbox.local (or https://mailbox-dev.local when using a development board). If you get a warning about "insecure connection", you can accept it (the program does not make use of HTTPS in local network).

Mailbox registration happens automatically as soon as the remote module (transmitter) sends any message. Power up the remote module. It should send a message about its boot; you should be able to see the new mailbox after refreshing the web page. If, for some reason, this did not happen, try to open and close mailbox door; this will send more messages.

Mailbox label is not hardcoded in the program; you can set it via web interface by clicking on mailbox ID in the list.

8. Setup Google Assistant Relay (optional)

See dedicated section.

9. Setup Telegram Bot (optional)

See dedicated section.