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alt:V UI

In-game user interface of alt:V multiplayer.

Event API

Core -> UI


Event Arguments Description
connection:idle Close connection UI
connection:setServer serverName: string Set target joining server name
connection:setCacheKeys resourceCacheKey?: string, dataCacheKey?: string Set current server cache keys
connection:connecting serverName?: string Set "Connecting to the server" stage (indeterminate progress bar).
connection:joining Set "Joining the game" stage (indeterminate progress bar).
connection:startingResources Set "Starting resources" stage (indeterminate progress bar).
connection:reloadingGameMap Set "Reloading game map" stage (indeterminate progress bar).
connection:preloadingMods Set "Preloading mods" stage (indeterminate progress bar).
connection:startingGame progress: number, progressTotal: number Set "Starting the game" stage
connection:downloadingResources bytesDownloaded: number, bytesTotal: number, speed?: number Set "Downloading resources" stage. Speed in bytes
connection:validatingResources resourcesValidated: number, resourcesTotal: number Set "Validating resources" stage
connection:downloadingRuntimes bytesDownloaded: number, bytesTotal: number, speed?: number Set "Downloading runtimes" stage. Speed in bytes
connection:validatingRuntimes bytesDownloaded: number, bytesTotal: number, speed?: number Set "Validating runtimes" stage. Speed in bytes
connection:inQueue message?: string Set "In queue" stage. Message can be a localization string.
connection:downloadingAdditionalResources bytesDownloaded: number, bytesTotal: number, speed?: number Set "Downloading additional resources" stage (for resources dl after join). Speed in bytes
connection:validatingAdditionalResources bytesDownloaded: number, bytesTotal: number, speed?: number Set "Validating additional resources" stage (for resources validation after join). Speed in bytes
connection:disconnected message: string Set "Disconnected" stage. Message can be a localization string.
connection:failed message: string, allowReconnect?: boolean Sets "Connection failed" state, which can be closed by Close button. Message can be a localization string.
connection:connected serverId?: string Set UI into connected state and toggles UI off (if wasn't connected yet) by default.
connection:requestPermissions required: number[], optional: number[] Open "Permission request" modal (not a connection stage). Permissions from enum.


Event Arguments Description
console:push color: number, data: string Pushes log to the console buffer
console:end resource?: string, logType?: LogType Flushes log buffer. For log types see LogType
console:reset Resets log buffer
console:clear Clears the console
console:open state?: boolean Changes console open state. Sets the state if the argument is provided, toggles otherwise.
console:forceTransparent Forces the console into the semi-transparent state.


Event Arguments Description
servers:recent:update servers: IHistoryServer[] Updates list of recent servers
servers:favorite:update servers: IHistoryServer[] Updates list of favorite servers
serverData:update data: IServerData[] Updates server cache (storage) data
serverData:updateOne data: IServerData Updates server cache (storage) data for one server


Event Arguments Description
settings:update newData: Record<string, any> Updates settings data. New data is applied on top, only keys that exist in the newData get updated. Keys that are not specified in newData are not deleted
settings:devices:update devicesData: Record<string, string> Updates available input audio devices. Key is unique device identifier, value is device name
settings:currentVolume:update value: number Sets current mic volume (level). Value is 0-100, it is used for preview in settings UI
version:update version: string, branch: string, lastIp?: string, debug?: boolean, earlyLoad: boolean Updates version and branch data.
version:setRss rss?: string Updates RSS feed.
version:setManifest manifest?: string Updates client manifest. Manifest should be a JSON string.
version:ready Indicates that core emitted all the initial version data
ui:ready Indicates that game is ready (loaded) and enables UI
ui:toggle state?: boolean Closes/opens UI (F1 menu). Sets the state if argument is provided, toggles otherwise. Has effect only when connected to a server
ui:startupProgress current: number, max: number Updates game startup progress. Only has effect if invoked before ui:ready
ui:setEarlyAuthState state: boolean Toggles early auth UI overlay (only bg visible)
ui:customLocales data: string Registers custom_locales.json content
keydown key: number Emitted on a keydown

UI -> Core


Event Arguments Description
connection:connect host: string, port: number, cdnUrl: string, earlyAuthUrl: string, password: string, id: string, name: string, applyTheme: boolean Connect to the server
connection:abort Abort connection
connection:accept permissions: string[] Accept the connection (permission request). permissions only contains selected optional permissions.
connection:deny Deny the connection (permission request)
connection:reconnect Reconnect to server (debug only)


Event Arguments Description
console:execute command: string Fires when user has executed a command
console:openLogFile `` Open current log file
console:setState state: boolean Force console closed/opened state


Event Arguments Description
servers:favorite:add id: string, name: strnig Add server to favorites
servers:favorite:remove id: string Remove server from favorites
serverData:delete id: string, type: number Delete server cache. id is masterlist id. Type 0 - resources, type 1 - data


Event Arguments Description
ui:resetSkin Resets UI skin
settings:change key: string, value: any Fires when user has changed a setting value
settings:devices:reload Requests audio devices from core (settings:devices:update)
settings:currentVolume:toggle state: boolean Sets if Core should emit settings:currentVolume:update
loaded Fires when UI is loaded and ready to receive data
exit Fires when user decided to exit the game

Example event flow


  • UI --> Core loaded
  • UI <-- Core version:update "14.0", "release"
  • UI <-- Core version:setManifest manifest content (in case of launcher skin being used)
  • UI <-- Core version:ready
  • UI <-- Core version:setRss rss content
  • UI <-- Core settings:update { ...settings data... }
  • UI <-- Core serverData:update [ ...server data (cache) info list... ]
  • UI <-- Core servers:recent:update [ ...recent servers list... ]
  • UI <-- Core servers:favorite:update [ ...favorite servers list... ]
  • UI <-- Core ui:ready

Server connection

  • UI --> Core connection:connect connection arguments
  • UI <-- Core connection:setServer "" (not required if connection wasn't initiated by UI)
  • UI <-- Core connection:connecting
  • UI <-- Core connection:downloadingResources 10, 10
  • UI <-- Core connection:validatingResources 10, 10
  • UI <-- Core connection:connected


If RSS feed title is an empty string, localized LATEST_NEWS key will be used instead.

Used RSS feed item properties

  • title - shown at the top of the post, optional
  • link - opened in browser when user clicks on the post, optional
  • pubDate - shown as a localized date at the bottom
  • description - post content (HTML allowed, only some selected special elements are available)
  • dc:creator - shown at the bottom above the date, optional (HTML allowed, see info below)


Allowed tags: address, article, aside, footer, header, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, main, nav, section, blockquote, dd, div, dl, dt, figcaption, figure, hr, li, main, ol, p, pre, ul, a, abbr, b, bdi, bdo, br, cite, code, data, dfn, em, i, kbd, mark, q, rb, rp, rt, rtc, ruby, s, samp, small, span, strong, sub, sup, time, u, var, wbr, caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, img, del

Special elements


<span data-spoiler>content</span>

Acts as a Discord spoiler (hidden until user clicks on it)

Localized string

<span data-localized="localization argument">LOCALIZATION_KEY</span>
<span data-localized>LOCALIZATION_KEY</span>

Shows localized string, optionally providing an argument ({0} in the localization will be replaced with the content of data-localized).
Allowed in both description and dc:creator fields.


<span data-timestamp="F">1675455031</span>

Acts as a Discord timestamp, shows timestamp in user's timezone. Span content is a unix timestamp (in seconds), attribute value is Discord timestamp style (docs). If attribute value is not specified (just data-dimestamp) then default style f is used.


<span data-mention="255, 0, 0">@someone</span>

Displays Discord-style mention. Attribute value is RGB color values 0-255 separated with comma. If no value is specified (just data-mention), then Discord's default mention color is used.


<img data-emoji src="https://emoji/icon/url.png" alt="emojiname">

Display image as a small (1.375em in height) inline element
Allowed in both description and dc:creator fields.


<blockquote>quote content</blockquote>

Displays Discord-style quote.

Inline code

<code>Inline code</code>

Displays Discord-style code line. (`code`)

Code block

        Multi line
        Code block

Displays Discord-style code block (```code```, any code element enclosed in pre)

Images row

<span data-images>
    <img src="https://image/one/url.png" alt="image one">
    <img src="https://image/two/url.png" alt="image two">
    <img src="https://image/three/url.png" alt="image three">

Displays horizontally scrolled image row (scrolled only if overflowed). Recommended for media display.


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  • Vue 55.0%
  • CSS 27.4%
  • TypeScript 16.5%
  • Other 1.1%