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DELPH-IN Member Projects

This is a reverse chronological listing (by final year) of DELPH-IN members' projects on related topics. Funded projects show their funding source as far as possible. Some links may no longer work, but are preserved here anyway as they may help indicate what to look up on the Internet Archive.

  • AGGREGATION: 2012–2015. UW. Investigating the automatic creation of Matrix-derived grammars on the basis of collections of interlinear glossed text. (Funding: NSF Documenting Endangered Languages grant)

  • Deependance: 2012–2014. LT-Lab, DFKI The aim of this project is to improve existing methodology for generic deep linguistic analysis, i.e. the syntactic and semantic analysis needed for many language technology applications. A dependency grammar model will be developed that extends the representations of successful data-driven dependency parsing schemes by additional elements of linguistic and cognitive sophistication such as a typed feature system, explicit soft constraints, the use of both semantic and syntactic dependencies and means for incrementally produced partial results. (Funding: BMBF contract 01IW11003)

  • Developing an MT System through Deep Language Processing: 2011–2013. Kyunghee, NTU, UW. Work on developing the grammars to allow for semantic-transfer based MT between English, Japanese and Korean (Funding: NRFK).

  • Revealing Meaning Using Multiple Languages: 2010–2012. NTU, NICT. This project looked at using one language to disambiguate the other in bitexts, using MRS-based transfer and wordnets to find equivalences. (Funding: JSPS, NTU, Erasmus)

  • The Grammar Matrix: Computational Linguistic Typology — 2007–2012. UW. Develop the Grammar Matrix core grammar and customization system to support the development of new DELPH-IN style grammars. (Funding: NSF CAREER grant)

  • Automatically determining meaning by comparing a text to its translation: 2009-2011. NTU This project looked at ways of modeling meaning across different languages. It was followed up by Revealing Meaning (Funding: NTU)

  • Online Linguistic Exploration: Deeper, Faster, Broader Language Documentation — 2009–2011. Melbourne. Development of means for fast-tracking language resource development, and visualising language resources (incl. treebank search). (Funding: Australian Research Council

  • Multilingual Unsupervised Parse Selection: 2009–2010. Melbourne. Exploration of unsupervised models for parse selection, targeted at languages without treebanks. (Funding: Microsoft Research)

  • SciBorg: Extracting the Science from Scientific Publications 2005–2009 Cambridge. (Funding: EPSRC)

  • Information Delivery from Segmented Textual Data Streams: 2006–2008. Melbourne. Applications of NLP to web user forum analysis to improve information access, including through the use of supertagging and parsing. (Funding: Australian Research Council)

  • Utterance-level interface for DELPH-IN: Cambridge. We looked at standardisation of the text interface, allowing for markup and ambiguity in tokenisation. (Funding: Boeing)

  • Scalable Japanese Analysis: 2006–2008 NTT, Melbourne Investigating methods of deep lexical acquisition for Japanese. (Funding: NTT)

  • HANDON: 2007. Oslo, Bergen, CSLI. This was a follow up project to LOGON, investigating scalability. (Funding: NRC)

  • Integrating pragmatic insights with HPSG: 2006–2007 Cambridge. An exploration of theoretical and methodological issues, with Marina Terkourafi (Funding: AHRC)

  • Typology of Prepositions and their Semantic Equivalents: 2007. NTNU, NICT. Investigation into the representation of prepositions, with a view to implementation in the Norsource and Jacy grammars. (Funding: NRC)

  • JaNoGram: Japanese and Norwegian Computational Linguistics: 2006. NTNU, NICT. Investigation into Japanese-Norwegian MT, using the transfer system developed in LOGON. (Funding: NTNU)

  • LOGON: 2002–2006. Oslo, Bergen, NTNU. The consortium developed a Norwegian to English machine translation system, based on a semantic transfer approach and using MRS and DELPH-IN technology for transfer and generation. (Funding: NRC)

  • Robust Precise Japanese Parsing: 2005–2006 NTT, DFKI. Grammar engineering to increase the robustness of Jacy (Funding: NTT)

  • Scalable Deep Language Processing: 2005–2006 NTT, Melbourne .Investigating methods of deep lexical acquisition, particularly looking at MWEs. (Funding: NTT)

  • Contrastive Study of Syntax and Semantics between Korean and Japanese and Feasibility of Porting and Cross-Development of Grammars between LFG/XLE and HPSG/LKB Frameworks: 2004–2006 Kyunghee, Waseda. (Funding: JSPS, NSFK)

  • Stochastic Parsing with Rich Grammars: 2004–2005 CSLI, NTT. Developing the original parse ranking models. (Funding: NTT)

  • Modeling politeness in a Greek HPSG: 2003–2004. Cambridge. Integrating pragmatic insights with HPSG was a follow-on project to this. (Funding: British Academy funded small research)

  • Deep Thought: 2002–2004. Saarbrücken, NTNU (Norway), Sussex, Cambridge, CELI (Italy) and Xtramind (Germany). Hybrid Deep and Shallow Methods for Knowledge-intensive Information Extraction. This project led to the development of [RmrsTop|Robust Minimal Recursion Semantics] and the [HogTop|Heart of Gold]. (Funding: EU)

  • Multiword expressions: 2001–2004. CSLI, NTT. The aims of the project were to acquire and formally represent multiword expressions, including idioms, compound nouns, phrasal verbs and collocations. The results are incorporated into the DELPH-IN work in a variety of ways. It led to a http: of workshops that are still continuing. (Funding: NTT; NSF)

  • WhiteBoard: 2000–2002. DFKI Saarbrücken. Basic research into architectures and methodologies for the combination of ‘deep’ and ‘shallow’ approaches to natural language analysis; building an XML-based software environment for multi-layer linguistic annotation. (Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany)

Related Activities

This lists some of the many projects with similar goals, it is by no means a comprehensive list. Projects are listed in alphabetic order.

  • The Attribute Logic Engine (ALE), developed by Bob Carpenter and Gerald Penn since the early 1990s: one of the early widespread computational tools (based on Prolog) for the development of typed feature structure grammars and still in active use in several research efforts.

  • The Algorithms for Linguistic Processing (ALPINO) project at Groningen University (The Netherlands): building a development and processing environment for HPSG implementations, a comprehensive grammar of Dutch, a dependency treebank (of Dutch newspaper text), and related technology.

  • The Core Grammar Project (CoreGram) is a multilingual grammar engineering project that develops HPSG grammars for several typologically diverse languages that share a common core. The system is open-source and can be downloaded as a bootable CD Rom with the grammar development system, the test environment and grammars for German, Chinese, Danish, Maltese and Persian.

  • The MiLCA project, involving Tübingen (Germany), Ohio State (US), and Toronto (Canada) Universities, among others: developing an extension to ALE (see above) as a development environment for HPSG grammars using ‘rich’ constraints and porting the LinGO ERG into this formalism; focusing on linguistic adequacy more than on processing efficiency.

  • The Natural Language Theory and Technology (NLTT) group at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) and associated partners: working within the LFG framework but in several ways similar to DELPH-IN; developing the XLE grammar development and processing software and, in the Parallel Grammar (ParGram) project, implementing grammars of several languages; NLTT and ParGram resources are not publicly available, though.

  • The Robust Accurate Statistical Parsing (RASP) project at Cambridge and Sussex Universities (UK): integrating and extending several strands of research on robust statistical parsing and automated grammar and lexicon induction, in order to develop and distribute a new, parsing toolkit for English.

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