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Deploy Flask App on Ubuntu(Virtualenv Gunicorn Nginx Supervisor)

shin edited this page Mar 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Introduce how deploy this project on Ubuntu.

In this paper, I deploy this project in my work directory(/home/xin/workspace/python/flaskblog).
You can chose another directory,so you should edit all the config file for the change.

  1. System:Ubuntu 14.04
  2. Web Server: Nginx
  3. Environment: Virtualenv
  4. WSGI Server: Gunicorn
  5. Database: MySQL
  6. Monitor: Supervisor

###Install software

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip  
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev       
$ sudo pip install virtualenv       
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server   
$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev  
$ sudo apt-get install nginx    
$ sudo apt-get install supervisor   

###Download project and setup virtualenv
Clone the code

$ git clone  
$ cd flaskblog      

setup venv and install python package

$ virtualenv venv    
$ source venv/bin/activate    
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt   

exit venv

(venv)$ deactivate  

Create schema named flaskblog in MySQL,edit the username and password in
In flaskblog directory,run

(venv)$ python create_db  
(venv)$ python create_user -u admin -p 123456  

###Setup server and add monitor
Pay attention to all the port setting in each step
Copy supervisor config file:

$ sudo cp flaskblog.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ 

Restart supervisor and start flaskblog:

$ sudo supervisorctl reload  
$ sudo supervisorctl start flaskblog  

Look status:

$ sudo supervisorctl status  

###Config and restart

$ sudo cp flaskblog /etc/nginx/sites-available/  
$ cd  /etc/nginx/sites-enabled  
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-avalaible/flaskblog .  
$ sudo service nginx reload  
$ sudo service nginx restart  

Look nginx status

$ sudo service nginx status  

Access on
Admin on

#Enjoy it!