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Scaling Bayesian Optimization


The code is available at Scalable-BO GitHub repo.

This project is used to experiment the Asynchronous Distributed Bayesian optimization (ADBO) algorithm at HPC scale. ADBO advantages are:

  • derivative-free optimization
  • parallel evaluations of black-box functions
  • asynchronous communication between agents
  • no congestion in the optimization queue

The implementation of ADBO is directly available in the DeepHyper project (

Environment information

The experiments were executed on the Theta/ThetaGPU supercomputers at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF). The environment used is based on available MPI implementations at the facility and a Conda environment for Python packages. The main Python dependencies of this project are deephyper/deephyper and deephyper/scikit-optimize with the following commits:

  • deephyper/deephyper: (7a2d553227bc62aa5ba7a307375cf729fc6178ca)
  • deephyper-scikit-optimize: (4cdc150f74bb066d07a7e57986ceeaa336204e26)


On all the systems of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) we used the /lus/grand/projects filesystem. Start by cloning this repository:

git clone
cd scalable-bo/
mkdir build
cd build/

Then move to the sub-section corresponding to your environment.

For MacOSX

Install the Xcode command line tools:

xcode-select --install

Then check your current platform (x86_64/arm64) and move to the corresponding sub-section:

python -c "import platform; print(platform.platform());"

For MacOSX (arm64)

If your architecture is arm64 download MiniForge and install it:

chmod +x

After installing Miniforge clone the DeepHyper and DeepHyper/Scikit-Optimize repos and install them:

git clone
cd deephyper/
git checkout b027148046d811e466c65cfc969bfdf85eeb7c49
conda env create -f install/environment.macOS.arm64.yml
cd ..
conda activate dh-arm
git clone
cd scikit-optimize/
git checkout c272896c4e3f75ebd3b09b092180f5ef5b12692e
pip install -e .

Install OpenMPI and mpi4py:

conda install openmpi
pip install mpi4py

For Theta (ALCF)

From the scalable-bo/build folder, execute the following commands:


For ThetaGPU (ALCF)

From the scalable-bo/build folder, execute the following commands:


Organization of the repository

The repository is organized as follows:

experiments/    # bash scripts for experiments and plotting tools
install/        # installation scripts 
notebooks/      # notebooks for complementary analysis
src/scalbo/     # Python package to manage experiments
test/           # test scripts to verify installation


In general experiments are launched with MPI and the src/scalbo/ script with a command such as:

$ mpirun -np 8 python -m scalbo.exp --problem ackley \
    --search DBO \
    --timeout 20 \
    --acq-func qUCB \
    --strategy qUCB \
    --random-state 42 \
    --log-dir output \
    --verbose 1 

where we execute the Ackley benchmark (problem) with the distributed search (DBO) for 20 seconds (timeout) with the qUCB acquisition function strategy (acq-func and strategy) with random state 42 (random-state), verbose mode active (verbose) and results are saved in the output (log-dir) directory.

Complementary information about the python -m scalbo.exp command can be found by using the --help argument:

$ python -m scalbo.exp --help
usage: [-h] --problem
              --search {CBO,DBO} [--sync SYNC] [--acq-func ACQ_FUNC] [--strategy {cl_max,topk,boltzmann,qUCB}] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
              [--max-evals MAX_EVALS] [--random-state RANDOM_STATE] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--cache-dir CACHE_DIR] [-v VERBOSE]

Command line to run experiments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --problem {ackley_5,ackley_10,ackley_30,ackley_50,ackley_100,hartmann6D,levy,griewank,schwefel,frnn,minimalistic-frnn,molecular,candle_attn,candle_attn_sim}
                        Problem on which to experiment.
  --search {CBO,DBO}  Search the experiment must be done with.
  --sync SYNC           If the search workers must be syncronized or not.
  --acq-func ACQ_FUNC   Acquisition funciton to use.
  --strategy {cl_max,topk,boltzmann,qUCB}
                        The strategy for multi-point acquisition.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Search maximum duration (in min.) for each optimization.
  --max-evals MAX_EVALS
                        Number of iterations to run for each optimization.
  --random-state RANDOM_STATE
                        Control the random-state of the algorithm.
  --log-dir LOG_DIR     Logging directory to store produced outputs.
  --cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        Path to use to cache logged outputs (e.g., /dev/shm/).
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Wether to activate or not the verbose mode.

Docker (Single Node)

Experiments are challenging to reproduce at large scale, therefore we provide a Docker image to reproduce similar results on a single machine with multiple cores. We assume that Docker is already installed. If it is not the case please check how to install Docker.

Your Docker configuration needs to use at least 8 CPUs.

Pull the docker image at:

docker pull romainegele/scalable-bo

Start a Docker container with this image:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -ti romainegele/scalable-bo /bin/bash

Then go to the experimental folder for Docker:

cd experiments/docker/

Execute the synchronous distributed BO with UCB and Boltzmann policy (SDBO+bUCB):


Execute the asynchronous distributed BO with qUCB (ADBO+qUCB):


The results should no be in experiments/docker/output/. Each experiment's output will contain an:

  • a results.csv file containing the evaluated configurations with the corresponding objectives and some more information about when the function was evaluated.
  • a deephyper*.log file containing logging information from the algorithm on the rank 0 generally.

Then you can plot figures with the following command:

python ../ --config plot.yaml

For Theta (ALCF)

cd experiments/theta/jobs/

For ThetaGPU (ALCF)

cd experiments/thetagpu/jobs/