We have comprehensive docs on our site https://docs.debtdao.finance/developers/architecture
We track remote remotes like Foundry and Chainlink via submodules so you will need to install those in addition to our repo itself
If you have forge installed already you can run forge install
Alternatively using just git
When cloning you can run git clone --recurse-submodules
Or if you already have repo installed you can run git pull --recurse-submodules
We have deployed contracts to Gõrli testnet. All deployed contract addresses including libraries and mock contracts
List of tokens that are priced by our dummy oracle that you can use for interacting with Line Of Credit and Escrow contracts (you can use any token for Spigot revenue as long as it can be traded to a whitelisted token)
N/A. We have not deployed to mainnet yet
To deploy a LineFactory you must deploy ModuleFactory, Arbiter, and Oracle contracts as well as know what the 0x protocol ExchangeProxy address is for the network you are deploying on.
To deploy a SecuredLine you should call our LineFactory contract so your Line will automatically be indexed by subgraphs and display on interfaces for lenders to send you offers. There are multiple functions to deploy lines depending on the granularaity and control you want for your terms and conditions.
We use foundry for testing. Follow installation guide on their repo.
Then run forge test
Test test_can_trade
and test_can_trade_and_reapy
fail occasionally, with inconsequential parameter inputs.
Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in contracts/tests/SpigotedLine.t.sol:SpigotedLineTest
[FAIL. Reason: TradeFailed() Counterexample: calldata=0xd9be461e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001004189374bc6a7ef9db22d0e5604189374bc6a7ef9db22d0e5604189374bc6a8, args=[1, 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129640]] test_can_trade(uint256,uint256) (runs: 205, μ: 243309, ~: 283578)
source .env && forge script contracts/scripts/DeployLocal.s.sol -vvvv --rpc-url --broadcast
First, deploy the libs via the registry:
yarn deploy:goerli:libs
Next, copy the libraries found at broadcast/DeployLibs.s.sol/5/run-latest.json
in the libraries
property, and past it into the foundry.toml
under the [profile.goerli]
libraries = [
source .env && forge script contracts/scripts/DeployGoerli.s.sol -vvvv --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL --verify --etherscan-api-key $GOERLI_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --broadcast
If verification fails:
source .env && forge script contracts/scripts/DeployGoerli.s.sol -vvv --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL --verify --etherscan-api-key $GOERLI_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --resume