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Releases: dcooney/ajax-load-more


30 May 13:55
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  • FIX: Fixed issue with full article loading in Next Page add-on.
  • UPDATE: Various security fixes.


10 May 14:10
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  • UPDATE: Added required functionality and support to allow for Next Page add-on to be used with Single Posts for full article loading with split pages.
  • UPDATE: Various UI/UX improvements for the plugin admin.

21 Mar 15:20
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= - March 21, 2024 =

  • HOTFIX: Hotfix for missing css_classes parameter in 7.1.0 release.


21 Mar 13:10
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  • NEW: Added Ajax Load More block for the WordPress Block Editor. ALM instances are now able to be rendered inside the Block Editor.
  • NEW: Added Ajax Load More Filters block for the WordPress Block Editor. When activated, ALM Filters can be rendered inside the Block Editor using the Filters block.
  • NEW: Added new wrapper_classes parameter that injects classnames onto the top level ajax-load-more-wrap container.
  • NEW: Added new alm_user_role filter to allow developers to change the user role required to access the Ajax Load More admin. Default is edit_theme_options.
  • UPDATE: Various security fixes regarding accessing layouts and directory paths.
  • UPDATE: Added support for caching Filter add-on facets with the Cache add-on.
  • FIX: Fixed bug with Next Page add-on disabling the Load More button early when pages were remaining.
  • UDPATE: Various UI/UX updates throughout plugin admin and frontend.


15 Feb 17:38
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7.0.3 - February 15, 2024

  • FIX: Added fix for Paging add-on scrolling to top of listing on initial page load when paging_scroll was true.
  • FIX: Fixed issue with undefined post_count when loading Ajax Load More with Ajax/HTTP request.


08 Feb 16:49
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7.0.2 - February 8, 2024

  • NEW: Added 'alm_licensing_sslverify' hook to allow users to disable SSL verification when checking for updates.
  • NEW: Added new Paging add-on parameter paging_container_classes used for adding CSS classes to the paging HTML container.
  • NEW: Added support for Elementor Loop Grid widget when using Elementor add-on.
  • FIX: Fixed issue with Elementor add-on potentially not disabling the Load More button when no content remains.
  • SECURITY: Various security fixes for admin-level plugin settings.


23 Jan 16:52
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7.0.1 - January 23, 2024

  • HOTFIX: Fixed issue with Filters add-on that would appear when using the Paging add-on. Filters would remain disabled after interacting with a filter due to a missing callback function.
  • HOTFIX: Fixed issue with display of Single Posts data when being used with Elementor.


17 Jan 20:51
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= 7.0.0 - January 16, 2024 =
This Ajax Load More update may introduce breaking changes for core plugin CSS styling and add-on functionality.

Major changes in this release includes the removal of the transition_container parameter which affects the rendered HTML of the plugin by removing the .alm-reveal div used to display the Ajax loaded content.
If you are using the Filters, SEO, or Paging add-ons please be sure to update these add-ons after updating the core Ajax Load More plugin.

View Release Notes

  • NEW: Removed alm-reveal div and transition container. This affects all add-ons and core plugin as there is no more a transition container appended for each load more action.
  • NEW: Added transition_delay parameter that allows for staggering the display of each post incrementally as content is loaded.
  • NEW: Added new alm-is-loaded class that is added to the main ALM container after the initial ajax request.
  • UPDATE: Improved JavaScript code quality and readability which is key for long term maintenance and sustainability of ALM.
  • UPDATE: Improved content loading for infinite scroll and when using Paging add-on.
  • UPDATE: Improved Masonry loading and transition timing.
  • UPDATE: Removed transition_container_classes parameter.
  • UPDATE: Removed legacy browser polyfills and helper functions to lower the overall compiled JS size.
  • UPDATE: Updated plugin installer class.
  • FIX: Fixed issue with admin_footer_text hook not returning but echoing text content.
  • FIX: Fixed issue with Single Posts add-on preview function. This was no longer working but is functional again.

06 Nov 13:10
Choose a tag to compare - November 6, 2023

*HOTFIX: Fixed issue with fatal i18n error in core Ajax Load More Elementor widget causing issues with loading posts on edit screens.
*UPDATE: Improved Cache add-on checker function for increased reliability while fetching cache.

03 Nov 12:45
Choose a tag to compare - November 3, 2023

  • FIX: Fixed issue with paging URLs when using Elementor add-on with WooCommerce products and WP archive templates.
  • FIX: Fixed issue with Cache and Paging add-ons throwing an error on initial page load and causing posts not to load..
  • NEW: Added alm_restapi_url hook to update the URL base REST API calls.
add_filter( 'alm_restapi_url', function(){
	return '';