Hi, I'm the living repository provided as companion material to the talk “What is (not) Software Crafting?”, so far delivered at:
- Clean Code Days @ Munich (June 20th, 2018)
- AsturiasHacking @ El Manglar (Cultural Center) in Oviedo, Spain (November 7th, 2017).
- Ruby User Group Berlin @ solarisBank (September 7th, 2017).
“What do we mean by Software Crafting or Software as a Craft? What not? How and why was it born? By the way, wasn't it called Craftsmanship? Anyway: why does it matter?
After answering all these questions and introducing concepts like deliberate practice and Open Space Technology, we will explore the current status of Software Crafting communities and events across Europe.”
This amazing e-mail by Alastair Smith speaks by itself:
Gist: Changes to the Cambridge Software Craftsmanship Community
Please, use inclusive language :-)
On February, 2018, @rachelcarmena released “Silent talk: Software as a Craft”. Awesome work, completely recommended.
Blog: Software Crafting Week: A brief history, by Markus Gärtner.
Web: Manifesto for Agile Software Development
Web: Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship
I find super useful the work by Markus Gärtner (again). You can find his attempt at defining craftsmanship here:
Blog: Was ist Software Craftsmanship?, by Markus Gärtner (German)
The movement generated tons of discussions, e.g.:
Blog: Programming is not a craft, by Dan North.
This was the reply from Adewale Oshineye:
Blog: Software Craftsmanship: More than just a manifesto, by Adewale Oshineye.
Michael Feathers wanted us to focus on the thing:
Blog: The Thing of Software Development, by Michael Feathers.
Martin Fowler did a decent job summarizing (part of) the whole debate and providing his point of view:
Blog / Bliki: CraftmanshipAndTheCrevasse, by Martin Fowler.
Robert C. Martin thinks Fowler's fears are groundless:
Blog: Bringing Balance to the Force
Finally, the following blogpost series by Duncan Smith elaborates on what is software crafting, by giving his opinion on different definitions out there. The first part can be found here:
Blog: Is Software Craftsmanship some code-obsessed mishmash of martial arts and carpentry?, by Duncan Smith.
Book: Software Craftsmanship: The new imperative, by Pete McBreen (2001)
Book: Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman, 2009 by Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye.
Book: The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride, by Sandro Mancuso (2014)
First some papers and books:
Book: Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment, by George Leonard (1992)
Paper: The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance, Paper by K. Anders Ericsson (1993)
Paper: Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments, by Justin Kruger and David Dunning (1999)
Book: Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else, by Geoff Colvin (2010)
And now, did I tell you that I love how Duncan Smith writes? Here we go:
Blog: Deliberate practice for software developers, by Duncan Smith (2015)
Blog: Making sense of the deliberate practice debate, by Duncan Smith (2015)
Book: Open Space Technology: A User's Guide, by Harrison Owen (originally published in 1993)
Web: All the things Open Space-related
Blog: The Open Space, explained, by Koen Metsu (2016)
Book: Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman, 2009, by Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye.
Videos: Corey Haines' Pair-Programming Tour, by Corey Haines (2008)
Blog: Corey's pair programming tour, first post, by Corey Haines (2008)
Blog: Journeyman weeks, by Daniel Temme
Blog: Craftsmanship tour, by Peter Kofler
Talk: Software on the road, the journey, by me a.k.a. Daniel Carral :)
Web: Union of German-speaking Software Crafting communities
Web / calendar: Events in Europe 2018
Mallorca Software Craftsmanship
Pamplona / Iruña Software Crafters
Valencia Software Craftsmanship
Gran Canaria Developers Community
Web: SoCraTes (un)conferences: history from 2011 to today.
Repo: Empty projects for different languages with a failing test, by SWK Berlin.
Web: Global Day of Coderetreat: events & resources
Book: Coderetreat: hosting and facilitating, by Adrian Bolboacă and Alexandru Bolboacă.