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function createDataCache

Creates a data cache.

Property Type Description
maxEntries number The maximum allowed cache entries before old entries are dropped.
Parameter Type Description
userOptions object User configurable options.

Returns: DataCache — A dataCache object.

function useDataLoader

React hook that returns a cache reference and load function for a specified cache key.

Parameter Type Description
key CacheKey A cache key.

Returns: UseDataLoaderAPI — The useDataLoader API.

function usePreloadedData

Access preloaded data, suspends if data is unavailable.

Parameter Type Description
reference CacheReference A cache reference.
userOptions UsePreloadedDataOptions User configurable options.

Returns: * — The cached value

constant DataCacheContext

A React context.

Type: object

Property Type Description
Provider Function React context provider component.
Consumer Function React context consumer component.

type CacheKey

The cache key.

Type: string | Array<string | number>

type DataCache

A dataCache object.

Type: object

Property Type Description
cache Map The cache.
get Function Internal API.
set Function Internal API.
subscription CreateSubscriptionAPI Internal API.
preload DataCachePreload Preload asynchronous data.
load DataCacheLoad Load asynchronous data.
find string | Function Find references by key, takes a string or predicate function.
onChange SubscriptionSubscribe Called whenever cache is updated. First argument is key of updated reference.
reset Function Resets the cache.

type DataCacheLoad

Loads data into the cache.

Type: Function

Parameter Type Description
key CacheKey A cache key.
asyncFn Function A function that returns a Promise.

type DataCachePreload

Returns cached entry if found, otherwise calls asyncFn and loads data into the cache.

Type: Function

Parameter Type Description
key CacheKey A cache key.
asyncFn Function A function that returns a Promise.

type SubscriptionSubscribe

Type: Function

Parameter Type Description
callback Function A function to call whenever an event occurs.

Returns: Function — Unsubscribe.

type UseDataLoaderAPI

The useDataLoader API.

Type: Array

Property Type Description
0 CacheReference The cache reference.
1 UseDataLoaderLoad Loads data for this cache reference.

type UseDataLoaderLoad

Loads data into this cache reference.

Type: Function

Parameter Type Description
asyncFn Function A function that returns a Promise.

type UsePreloadedDataOptions

usePreloadedData Options

Type: object

Property Type Description
reloadOnMount boolean Disable reloading on mount.