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Hello World web application in 39 different ways in Java

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Hello World web application

Creating a simple web application on Java in various ways:

# Techology, library, framework Initial release date
Type Subtype
1 HTTP Servlet web.xml file 1996-12
2 @WebServlet annotation
3 ServletContainerInitializer interface implementation
4 Spring MVC web.xml file 2005-12
5 Java configuration
6 Spring Boot Spring MVC 2014-04
7 Spring WebFlux
8 JavaServer Faces Eclipse Mojarra 2004-03-03
9 Apache MyFaces 2005-11
10 Google Web Toolkit 2006-05-16
11 Grails 2005-10
12 Struts 2000-05
13 Dropwizard 2011-12-21
14 Play 2008-05
15 JHipster 2013-10-21
16 JAX-RS Apache CXF 2008-04
17 RESTEasy 2008-09
18 Jersey 2010-05
19 Restlet 2013-01
20 Vaadin 2006
21 Seam 2007
22 Wicket 2005-06
23 Tapestry 2000
24 Spark Java 2011
25 Vert.x 2011
26 Rapidoid 2014-08
27 Lagom 2016-03
28 Ratpack 2013
29 Javalin 2017-05-24
30 Micronaut 2018-10-23
31 Quarkus 2019-11-25
32 ActFramework 2017-03-09
33 MicroProfile TomEE 2012-04-27
34 Hammock 2014-02-27
35 Thorntail 2016-01
36 KumuluzEE 2016-04-04
37 Payara Micro 2017-07
38 Open Liberty 2017-09-19
39 Helidon 2018-09-19



  1. Change directory: cd <maven module directory>

  2. From the command line with Maven:

    mvn jetty:run
    (for helloworld-web-servlet-xml, helloworld-web-servlet-annotation, helloworld-web-servlet-interface-war, helloworld-web-spring-mvc-xml, helloworld-web-spring-mvc-java, helloworld-web-jsf-mojarra, helloworld-web-jsf-myfaces, helloworld-web-struts, helloworld-web-jaxrs-apache-cxf, helloworld-web-jaxrs-resteasy, helloworld-web-jaxrs-jersey, helloworld-web-jaxrs-restlet, helloworld-web-vaadin, helloworld-web-seam, helloworld-web-wicket, helloworld-web-tapestry modules)

    mvn spring-boot:run
    (for helloworld-web-spring-boot-mvc, helloworld-web-spring-boot-webflux, helloworld-web-jhipster modules)

    mvn gwt:codeserver
    (in one terminal window for helloworld-web-gwt-client module)
    mvn jetty:run
    (in another terminal window for helloworld-web-gwt-server module)

    mvn grails:run-app
    (for helloworld-web-grails module)

    mvn package
    java -jar target/hello-world.jar server hello-world.yml
    (for helloworld-web-dropwizard module)

    mvn clean package
    mvn play2:run
    (for helloworld-web-play module)

    mvn package
    mvn lagom:runAll
    (for helloworld-web-lagom-impl module)

    mvn package
    java -jar target/hello-world.jar
    (for helloworld-web-sparkjava, helloworld-web-vertx, helloworld-web-rapidoid, helloworld-web-ratpack, helloworld-web-javalin, helloworld-web-micronaut, helloworld-web-microprofile-hammock, helloworld-web-microprofile-kumuluzee, helloworld-web-microprofile-openliberty, helloworld-web-microprofile-helidon modules)

    mvn clean compile quarkus:dev
    (for helloworld-web-quarkus module)

    mvn clean compile act:dev
    (for helloworld-web-actframework module)

    mvn package
    java -jar target/hello-world-exec.jar
    (for helloworld-web-microprofile-tomee module)

    mvn package
    java -jar target/hello-world-thorntail.jar
    (for helloworld-web-microprofile-thorntail module)

    mvn package
    java -jar target/hello-world-microbundle.jar
    (for helloworld-web-microprofile-payara module)

  3. Access the deployed web application at: http:https://localhost:8080


See Habr (Russian)