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A sewer network generator planning wastewater collection and treatment in data scarce regions


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Example of an automatically generated Sewer Network

The aim of pysewer is to provide a framework automatically generate cost-efficient sewer network layouts on minimal data requirements.

It is build around an algorithm for generation of viable sewer-network layouts. The approximated sewer network is represented by sources (households/buildings), potential pathways, and one or multiple sinks. The algorithm approximates the directed steinertree (the steiner arborescence) between all sources and the sink by using an repeated shortest path heuristic (RSPH).


The documentation can be found here.

An example of how to use pysewer for generating a sewer network layout can be found here: example_sewer_network_generation.


Currently the installation is easiest managed via Anaconda. Anaconda 3 can be downloaded here.. The package is tested with Python 3.10.6. We recommend using a conda environment to manage the installation of GDAL and other dependencies given the difficulty of installing GDAL using pip. Therefore we urge to first create a new conda environment and install the required packages.

Please use conda to install GDAL, it is the easiest way to install GDAL

Step 1: Clone the repository and navigate to the root directory

git clone
cd pysewer

Step 2: Create the conda environment

Here you create a conda environment (pysewer) and install the required packages. We recommend directly installing GDAL, Rasterio and Fiona using conda.

Creating the conda environment:

conda create -n pysewer python=3.10.6

Activate the environment:

conda activate pysewer

Install the required packages:

conda install -c conda-forge gdal 

All other packages are installed via pip during the installation of pysewer. Note that the exact versions of the packages used can be found in the environment.yml file.

Step 3: Install pysewer via pip

Now that you have conda environment uo and running, lets install pysewer. To do this you first need to clone pysewer repository hosted here. and install it using git and pip with:

cd pysewer
pip install .

# for the development version
python -m pip install -e .

# OR just 
pip install -e .


To install without cloning the repository use:
pip install git+

Please see the documentation for more details.

Input Data and data representation

Input data requirements

The following input data is required:

  • A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (peferred file format: GeoTiff (.tif))
  • Point Data on Building locations (peferred file format: Shapefile, GeoPackage or GeoJSON (.shp/.gpkg/.geojson)). Geopandas GeoDataFrame objects is also supported.
  • Road Network Data (peferred file format: Shapefile, GeoPackage or GeoJSON (.shp/.gpkg/.geojson)). Geopandas GeoDataFrame objects is also supported.
  • Local daily water consumption (cubic meter per person)

Road Network Data

The roads data is expected to be either LineString or MultiLineString geometries with a valid CRS. The GeoDataFrame can contain additional attributes that will be preserved during the preprocessing.

Column Name Data Type Description
geometry LineString / MultiLineString The geometry representing the road network.
road_id integer Unique identifier for each road segment (required).
other_attributes various Any additional attributes related to roads (optional, preserved during processing).

Example Roads Geodataframe

geometry road_id other_attributes
LineString((x1, y1), …) 1 {'name': 'Main St.', 'type': 'highway'}
MultiLineString(((x2, y2), (x3, y3)), ((x4, y4), (x5, y5))) 2 {'name': '2nd Ave.', 'type': 'street'}

Building Data

The buildings data can include Polygon, MultiPolygon, or Point geometries, where polygons will be converted to points (centroids). Ideally point geometries are preferred, however we added a function that converts polygons or multi-polygons to points. The GeoDataFrame should also have a valid CRS, which should match the CRS of the roads data.

Column Name Data Type Description
geometry Point / Polygon / MultiPolygon The geometry representing the buildings (which can be converted to points).
building_id integer Unique identifier for each building.
other_attributes various Any additional attributes related to buildings (optional, preserved during processing).

Example Buildings Geodataframe

geometry building_id other_attributes
Point(x1, y1) 1 {'name': 'House A', 'type': 'residential'}
Polygon(((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4), (x5, y5))) 2 {'name': 'House B', 'type': 'residential'}
MultiPolygon(((x6, y6), (x7, y7), (x8, y8), (x9, y9)), ((x10, y10), (x11, y11), (x12, y12))) 3 {'name': 'House C', 'type': 'residential'}


The buildings data can include additional attributes that will be preserved during the preprocessing.

To avoid issues with preprocessing, we recommend to project the data into a UTM-zone that matches the area of interest.

We also recommend removing all buildings and roads that are not within the area of interest. In addition it must be ensured that all geometries are valid and object_ids that are empty or have no geometry be removed.


Input data preprocessing recommendations

  • Ensure that the roads and buildings data are clipped to the area of interest, i.e. the settlement area.
  • Ensure that the DEM covers the area of interest. For example, if the planned WWTP is located outside of the city, then this area must be included in the DEM.
  • The DEM must be free of no-data values, i.e., all the DEM should be inspected and undergo quality check before being used.
  • Ensure that all additional sinks are within the bounds of the DEM

Preprocessing of the initial graph

The main objective of sewer layout generation is to connect all buildings to a waste water treatment plant (WWTP) while keeping system cost low. The initial graph represents all potential sewer lines in our model domain.

Preprocessing comes down to:

  • "connecting" buildings to the street network
  • clustering of buildings surpassing a predefined threshold
  • contracting the street network for more efficient graph traversal

After preprocessing, all relevant data is and stored as a MultiDiGraph to allow for asymmetric edge values (e.g. elevation profile and subsequently costs).

Graph Attributes

Node Attributes:
    "node_type": "building","wwtp"
    "pumping_station": bool
Edge Attributes:
    "geometry": detailed shapely line
    "pressurized": bool
    "needs_pump": bool
    "weight": value representing arbitrary cost function

Routing Solver

Routing Animation

The package comes with two solvers to find estimates for the underlying steiner tree problem (more specifically minimum steiner arboresence).

  • RSPH
  • RSPH Fast

The RSPH solver iteratively connects the nearest unconnected node (in terms of distance and pump penalty) to the closest connected network node. The solver can account for multiple sinks and is therefore well suited to generate decentralized network scenarios.

The RSPH Fast solver derives the network by combining all shortest paths to a single sink. Faster, but only allows for a single sink.


info = pysewer.get_sewer_info(G)
info["Routing Solver"] = "RSPH"
info["Pump Penalty"] = test_model_domain.pump_penalty
fig,ax = pysewer.plot_model_domain(test_model_domain, plot_sewer=True,sewer_graph = G, info_table=info)
pysewer.plot_sewer_attributes(test_model_domain,G,attribute="peak_flow",title="Peak Flow Estimation m³/s")


sewer_network_gdf = pysewer.get_edge_gdf(G,detailed=True)
pysewer.export_sewer_network(sewer_network_gdf, "sewer_network.gpkg")

Default parameters

The default or global parameters are stored in the settings.yaml file. This file can be overwritten by specifying a custom settings file (e.g.example_settings.yaml) and passing it to the load_config(custom_settings.yaml) function. The settings parameters are categorized into 3 sections, namely preprocessing, optimization and plotting.

The table below summaries the key default parameters and their meaning.

Parameter Description Default
dem_file_path Path for the DEM file None
roads_input_data Path for the road input data None
buildings_input_data Path for the buildings input data None
pump_penalty Penalty for using a pump in the cost function 1000
dx Sampling resolution, used for extracting elevation data from the DEM (in meters) 10
max_connection_length The maximum distance between a building and the nearest street for it to be included in the cluster centers list 30
inhabitants_dwelling The number of inhabitants per dwelling. 3
daily_wastewater_person The daily wastewater generated per person in m³ 0.2
peak_factor Peak factor for wastewater 2.3
min_slope The minimum slope required for gravitational flow. -0.1
tmax Maximum trench depth allowed (meters) 8
tmin Minimum trench depth allowed (meters) 0.25
min_trench_depth Lowest possible trench depth 0
diameters List of diameters to be considered (meters) List []
pressurized_diameter Diameter of pressure pipes to be used (meters) 0.2
roughness The pipe roughness coefficient in meters 0.013


GNU GPLv3-modified-UFZ. See LICENSE for details.

How to contribute to pysewer?

Please check out how Contributing for on how to contribute to pysewer. Please note that we have created a mirror repository on Github to allow for easier contribution. The original repository is hosted on Gitlab.

Code of conduct

Please check out our Code of Conduct for details.

How to cite?

Currently, pysewer is under review in the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). Please check back later.


A sewer network generator planning wastewater collection and treatment in data scarce regions



Code of conduct





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