Minecraft Spigot plugin to sync players' advancements (formerly achievements in versions before 1.12)
Whenever a player make an advancement, everyone online in the server will also receive it.
/scan <player>
- Scans the advancements of <player>, giving every advancement completed to everyone online at the moment. Useful for when you made an advancement and someone is offline. -
/scanprogress <advancement resource name>
- Shows the criteria that you need to complete to get the advancement specified. You can get the advancement resource name here under the resource location section.
This plugin was made with spigot 1.16.5 in mind, but it doesn't use any spigot-only functionality, so it should work on any bukkit fork.
Tested only in minecraft 1.16.5 but should work in other versions since it doesn't do anything version-specific
You can download the built jar in the releases page