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elementary edge detection (sobel edge detection)

  • objective: create a simple edge detection program using sobel edge detection.

test images


  • download sobel.c
  • run sobel.c using "face05.pgm"
  • add code to make sobel.c use thresholds (Hi threshold, Lo threshold)
  • add three lines of code to generate header for .pgm viewer
  • run program to get three outputs;
    1. magnitude image
    2. output due to hi threshold
    3. output due to low threshold
  • run on chess image (garb34.pgm) and get three output images which should approximately match output from
    1. magnitude image (sobelmag.pgm)
    2. output due to hi threshold (sobelout1.pgm)
    3. output due to low threshold (sobelout2.pgm)

notes about pgm format

  • header info: details image file type (P5), image size (width/height, 256 each), max intensity value (255).
  • body: 2D array holding the integer (stored as char) pixel values representing intensity (or color) for each row/col in image
    • 0 value for intesity: black
    • 255 value for intensity: white
    • everything inbetween is a tone of gray
    • each pixel value is a single 1-byte integer stored as a char

random notes i've managed to forget about C

  • command-line args
    • argc: number of args passed
    • argv[]: pointer array pointing to each arg passed to program (argv[0] == name of program itself)
    $ ./program.out argv[1] argv[2] .... argv[argc] // argv[0] == 'program.out'
  • compiling C program
    # compile with gcc
    gcc program_name.c -o program_name
    # execute
    ./program_name argv[1] argv[2] 
  • command-line arg for running program:
# sobel.c with single threshold
./sobel input_img.pgm output_img.pgm threshold
# sobel.c with low/high threshold
./sobel input_img.pgm output_img.pgm low_threshold high_threshold
# sobel.c with three outputs + low/high threshold
./sobel input_img.pgm mag_out.pgm low_out.pgm hi_out.pgm low_threshold high_threshold
# output for face05.pgm
./sobel face05.pgm sobelmag.pgm sobelout1.pgm sobelout2.pgm 40 110
# output for garb34.pgm
./sobel garb34.pgm sobel_out.pgm sobel_low.pgm sobel_hi.pgm 40 110


this is for cap4453 (robot vision) assignment 1






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