EDA on US Presidential Speeches (Inaugural Address, Annual Message and SOTU)
We have access to all the US Presidential Speeches from April 1789 to Dec 2020. Presidential speeches are an opportunity for Presidents to set the tone of the country, put forth their agenda, influence policy and sway public opinion.
We are going to use focus on the State of the Union Address (formerly Annual Message) and Inaugural Addresses to:
- Look at trends in Presidential Speeches over time
- Gain in sight into how geopolitical priorities changed with time.
Source data: https://www.kaggle.com/littleotter/united-states-presidential-speeches
- The most popular presidents are the briefest orators!
- The number of words per sentence is decreasing over time i.e. there is a trend of Presidents using shorter sentences
- Oral speeches got longer when they stopped relying on written speeches. Not just more words, but more sentences.
I compared the frequency of geo-related entities between Obama and Trump and found differences in the following using a synamic bard chart:
- America vs United States
- Ukraine vs Russia
- Middle East vs Asia
- Global Priorities vs Domestic Priorities