This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN, including:
- Geospatial dataset search powered by Solr, providing a bounding box via a UI map widget or the API.
- Harvesters to import geospatial metadata into CKAN from other sources in ISO 19139 format and others.
- Commands to support the CSW standard using pycsw.
Note: The view plugins for rendering spatial formats like GeoJSON have been moved to ckanext-geoview.
Full documentation, including installation instructions, can be found at:
ckanext-spatial >= 2.0.0 supports CKAN 2.9 and CKAN 2.10. Check the [tested enviroments]( for more details.
For previous CKAN versions please use the v1.x tags.
For contributing to ckanext-spatial or its documentation, follow the same guidelines that apply to CKAN core, described in CONTRIBUTING.
This material is copyright (c) 2011-2023 Open Knowledge Foundation and contributors.
It is open and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at: