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StakeDaoPerpVault Solidity smart contracts



To install all necessary dependencies, from project root run:

npm ci

add a .secret file containing your testing mnemonic at the project root folder.

Compiling contracts

To compile the contracts, from project root run:

npm run compile

Testing contracts

To test the contracts, from project root run the following:

Running unit tests

npm run test


Loop Length Caching

Optimization Overview

Accessing the length of an array in a for loop header means the Solidity compiler reads the array length every iteration. In a memory array, we expend 3 additional gas per iteration via the mload operation. If we cache the array length in the stack, we only call the mload operation once, with further iterations using the cheaper dupN function instead.

Example: totalStakedaoAsset


Returns the total sdecrv controlled by the vault by iterating through the action contracts and accumulating their current values.

Relevance to Deposit & Withdraw

depositETH calls totalStakedaoAsset twice directly and withdrawETH calls _getWithdrawAmountByShares, which calls totalStakedaoAsset as well. As the length of actions increases, so does the amount of gas expended by iterating over them.


for (uint256 i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
	debt = debt.add(IAction(actions[i]).currentValue());


uint256 length = actions.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	debt = debt.add(IAction(actions[i]).currentValue());

I have also modified setActions, closePositions, and rollOver to have cached loops, but these are less impactful since they are not directly related to withdraw and deposit.

Immutable State Variables

Optimization Overview

The immutable keyword stores variables in code as opposed to storage. Normally, loading variables from storage uses sload, which is expensive. With the keyword, the compiler does not save a storage slot for the immutable value and occurrences throughout the codebase are preset at deployment time.

Example: IERC20 ecrv


Represents the ecrv LP token received from depositing into the curve pool.

Relevance to Deposit & Withdraw

depositETH calls ecrv.safeIncreaseAllowance(sdecrvAddress, ecrvToDeposit), while both depositETH and withdrawETH call ecrv.balanceOf(address(this)). The addition of the immutable keyword cuts gas costs by reducing storage lookups.


IERC20 ecrv;


IERC20 immutable ecrv;

This change was also made in ShortOTokenActionWithSwap.sol.

Unchecked Loops

Optimization Overview

While i++ and i += 1 require the solidity compiler to check for overflow. However, this is unnecessary because the length of the array we are incrementing over must necessarily be at most 2**256 - 2. Implementing unchecked incrementation can save 30-40 gas per iteration.



Increment an integer without checking arithmetic.

Relevance to Deposit & Withdraw

depositETH calls totalStakedaoAsset twice directly and withdrawETH calls _getWithdrawAmountByShares, which calls totalStakedaoAsset as well. totalStakedaoAsset necessitates iterating over the actions array. setActions, closePositions, and rollOver have also been updated to use this modification, although less relevant to depositing and withdrawal.


function totalStakedaoAsset() public view returns (uint256) {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        debt = debt.add(IAction(actions[i]).currentValue());


function totalStakedaoAsset() public view returns (uint256) {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i = uncheckedIncrement(i)) {
        debt = debt.add(IAction(actions[i]).currentValue());
 * @dev increment i without checking arithmetic
function uncheckedIncrement(uint i) private pure returns (uint) {
    unchecked {
        return i + 1;

Custom Errors

Optimization Overview

Introduced in version 0.8.4, custom errors are more gas efficient than require and revert strings. Their primary benefit is in the gas cost of deployment (cut about 2KB from OpynPerpVault.sol contract size), but also reduces gas cost during runtime when the revert condition is met.

Custom Errors

OpynPerpVault.sol and OpynPerpVault.ts have been updated with the following custom errors instead of the original error strings:

// 01: actions for the vault have not been initialized
error NoActionInitialized();
// O2: cannot execute transaction, vault is in emergency state
error EmergencyState();
// O3: cannot call setActions, actions have already been initialized
error ActionsInitialized();
// O4: action being set is using an invalid address
error InvalidAddress();
// O5: action being set is a duplicated action
error DuplicateAction();
// O6: deposited ETH (msg.value) must be greater than 0
error EmptyDeposit();
// O7: cannot accept ETH deposit, total sdecrv controlled by the vault would exceed vault cap
error ExceedVaultCap();
// O8: unable to withdraw ETH, sdecrv to withdraw would exceed or be equal to the current vault sdecrv balance
error ReachVaultBalance();
// O9: unable to withdraw ETH, ETH fee transfer to fee recipient (feeRecipient) failed
error FeeTransferFailed();
// O10: unable to withdraw ETH, ETH withdrawal to user (msg.sender) failed
error FailedUserWithdrawal();
// O11: cannot close vault positions, vault is not in locked state (VaultState.Locked)
error VaultUnlocked();
// O12: unable to rollover vault, length of allocation percentages (_allocationPercentages) passed is not equal to the initialized actions length
error InconsistentAllocPercent();
// O13: unable to rollover vault, vault is not in unlocked state (VaultState.Unlocked)
error VaultLocked();
// O14: unable to rollover vault, the calculated percentage sum (sumPercentage) is greater than the base (BASE)
error SumExceedsBase();
// O15: unable to rollover vault, the calculated percentage sum (sumPercentage) is not equal to the base (BASE)
error SumNotBase();
// O16: withdraw reserve percentage must be less than 50% (5000)
error WithdrawReserve();
// O17: cannot call emergencyPause, vault is already in emergency state
error InEmergency();
// O18: cannot call resumeFromPause, vault is not in emergency state
error NotInEmergency();
// O19: cannot receive ETH from any address other than the curve pool address (curvePool)
error NoncurvePool();

Relevance to Deposit & Withdraw

Cheaper errors makes it so that upon deposit and withdrawal failure, gas costs are lower.

Example: withdrawETH


function withdrawETH(uint256 _share, uint256 minEth) external nonReentrant {
    // send fee to recipient 
    (bool success1, ) ={ value: fee }('');
    require(success1, 'O9');

    // send ETH to user
    (bool success2, ) ={ value: ethOwedToUser }('');
    require(success2, 'O10');


function withdrawETH(uint256 _share, uint256 minEth) external nonReentrant {
    // send fee to recipient
    (bool success1, ) ={value: fee}("");
    if (!success1) {
        revert FeeTransferFailed();

    // send ETH to user
    (bool success2, ) ={value: ethOwedToUser}("");
    if (!success2) {
        revert FailedUserWithdrawal();

Require Checks

Optimization Overview

When checking a uint in a require statement, switching from checking > 0 to != 0 saves 6 gas because at compile-time, if statements jump to the end of a block, meaning the implicit if (x > y) {..} within the require statement gets compiled to y x GT ISZERO _join JUMPI .. _join JUMPDEST. In contrast, the != 0 approach avoids the ISZERO instruction entirely.



Checks if the actions have been initialized.

Relevance to Deposit & Withdraw

depositETH and withdrawETH (and less significantly closePositions and actionsInitialized) all call actionsInitialized.


function actionsInitialized() private view {
	require(actions.length > 0, "O1");


function actionsInitialized() private view {
	require(actions.length != 0, "O1");



Deposits ETH into the contract and mint vault shares.


require(msg.value > 0, "O6");


require(msg.value != 0, "O6");

Version Upgrade

Optimization Overview

Starting from version 0.8.0, Safemath is automatically integrated, which can be more efficient than the library approach. In this case, the switch reduced the OpynPerpVault.sol contract size by ~1 KB. Starting from 0.8.2, low-level inliner reduces runtime gas, inlining short functions that do not contain control-flow branches or opcodes with side-effects. Finally, custom errors were only introduced in 0.8.4.


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