I try to update this during vac ... current/past work involves
- NLP & Text Analytics: For employees' feedback on continuous basis and text stored across various platforms (e.g. Glassdoor) and internal business systems
- Scenario simulations & forecasting: Market trends and operational data for workforce planning
- Predictive workflows: employee attrition and proactive engagement
- Analytics & Reporting : Conusming data at scale from numerous sources and telling business stories on various topics
- Embedded Analytics: In common workflows to maximize adoption and nudge for actions
- Cloud arch. for machine learning/data consumption: On Azure (Postgres, Storage Containers, LogicApps, CognitiveServices, VMs, AppServices, DataBrick, Dataiku, API endpoints)
- Creating standards, processes and guidelines in collaboration with legal and compliance function.
- Ensure all projects have legitimate business use case, protect employees' data privacy
- Comply with global regulations (e.g. GDPR, Unions)
- Simulating carbon impact of various work models/patterns (e.g. remote, partial) taken into account actual office employees data and leveraging google apis + stats
- Most attrition prediction projects are not that useful as by the time the model ranks an employee ... it's too late, Charlie is designed to forecast with 6-12 months window for pro-active engagement (Ensemble model taking internal and external drivers)
- Embedding insights to managers in emails and microsoft teams to drive engagement with their employees
- Taking business strategy input and various parameters that impact workforce demand (e.g. attrition, productivity, automation) and supply (diversity, skill, mobility) to deliver a probabilistic output with constrains
- For multi business lines service business involving 100s of customers (B2b)
- LinkedIn, Glassdoor and others
- Ingesting data from numerous business systems and applications into central pond for productization
- Insights and benchmarks for managers for self-reflections and improvements
- Considering inventory levels, cost and service level agreement with customers
- Key business topics to inform strategic decisions
- For 100+ countries, establishing a methodology for fair benchmarking
- 1 to Many probabilistic marchin for applicants to job available within the company to increase their chance of getting a job