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Darkwood website

add this to /etc/hosts darkwood.localhost apps.darkwood.localhost photos.darkwood.localhost blog.darkwood.localhost hello.darkwood.localhost admin.darkwood.localhost api.darkwood.localhost

Nix Usage

This template is designed to provide a basic flake template for PHP development.

When using this template, four new files will be created in your project:

  • flake.nix: A default flake file for your project, containing the basic configuration for starting PHP development.
  • flake.lock: A lock file to lock the versions of the dependencies like php and composer. Use nix flake update to update them at your convenience.
  • This file.
  • .envrc: A file used by direnv that will automatically load the development environment.

Features of this flake template include:

  • A default flake development shell with PHP, Composer, GrumpPHP, PHPStan, PHPUnit, and Psalm. If you're using direnv, it will be automatically loaded. Otherwise use it with: nix develop .
  • The satis flake package provided as example on how to bundle a PHP application.
  • The satis flake application provided as example. Use it with: nix run .#satis -- --version
  • The composer flake application. Use it with: nix run .#composer -- --version
  • The phpstan flake application. Use it with: nix run .#phpstan -- --version
  • The phpunit flake application. Use it with: nix run .#phpunit -- --version
  • The psalm flake application. Use it with: nix run .#psalm -- --version
  • The symfony-demo flake application. Run it with nix run .#symfony-demo then go on

For each features, Nix will detect the required extensions for PHP by reading the composer.json file. As long as your composer.json file list the required extensions in the require or require-dev sections, no any other configuration is needed on your part.

If you need to modify the PHP configuration, create a file .user.ini in the project with your custom PHP configuration directives.

For more customizations, feel free to edit the flake.nix file and add your own changes; the possibilities are endless.

Happy hacking !

Nix Node

$ nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nodePackages.node2nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nodejs-18_x


nix shell github:loophp/nix-shell#env-php82 --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
vendor/bin/bref-dev-server --assets=public # https://localhost:8000/hello

./node_modules/.bin/serverless bref:local -f hello --data '{"name": "Jane"}'
vendor/bin/bref-local my-function.php '{"name": "Jane"}'

## Update packages

List packages to update with composer:
composer outdated -D

Update Symfony recipes:

composer symfony:recipes:update


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