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ComicInfo Parser

A simple GUI for create ComicInfo.xml and .cbz archive at easy way.


ComicInfo.xml is a metadata for manga/comic. It is used in some self-hosted app, e.g. komga.

Feature Available

Preview generated ComicInfo

After select folder for generate ComicInfo.xml, a preview page will appear. User can change content before export real ComicInfo.xml.

When there has existing ComicInfo.xml file in selected folder, GUI will load existing ComicInfo.xml data instead of create a new one.

Currently, this project supports fields:

  • Title, Number, Summary, Year/Month/Day, Web, GTIN
  • ALL Creator fields: Writer, Translator .etc
  • Tags with GUI to edit & view
  • Series, Volume, Count
  • AgeRating, Manga with Enum values supported
  • Genre, LanguageISO
  • SeriesGroup, AlternateSeries
  • AlternateNumber, AlternateCount
  • StoryArc, StoryArcNumber

Option to Export ComicInfo

After preview & press button to export, User can defined export folder, and export in following options:

  • .cbz with komga folder structure
  • .cbz file ONLY
  • ComicInfo.xml ONLY

Quick Export (Komga Only)

Ignore preview section and generate .cbz with komga folder structure directly.

Already contains a .cbz archive and ComicInfo.xml at {selected-folder}/{comic-title} location, while export location can NOT be changed.

User can directly copy exported folder to komga comic directory.


Select Folder Preview Page
Tag View Enum Support