Megadrive/Genesis Pad to PC Engine/TurboGrafx Pad converter adaptor
Connecting USB storage device to the Panasonic FZ-10 3DO
Definition of the "LumaCode" signal standard with reference implementation
Bare-metal Raspberry Pi project that provides pixel-perfect sampling of Retro Computer RGB/YUV video and conversion to HDMI
WASD-style joystick for vintage computers. With an added Arduino Pro Micro you can use it as a USB-keyboard, so if you wanted a DIY streamdeck or Macro-keyboard - then the C64 JoyKEY can do that as…
Wanted a joystick switcher for my Commodore 64, so I built one by adapting C64 Mega Switcher for use with Atari-style joysticks. Supports secondary fire-button when using Sega Master System gamepad…
A replacement RF modulator for the Commodore 64 longboard variants
A replacement RF modulator for the Commodore 128 and C64 shortboard