Starter-kit for writing services in Go using Kubernetes.
ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
Go login handlers for authentication providers (OAuth1, OAuth2)
Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
Simple, native and efficient local ad blocker. Only Bash.
Implementation of various JWx (Javascript Object Signing and Encryption/JOSE) technologies
Build minimum viable admin panels quickly with just SQL
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
High performance Golang HTTP middleware for server-side application layer caching, ideal for REST APIs
A high-performance observability data pipeline.
Simple, extremely lightweight, extensible, configuration management library for Go. Support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.
🕹️ A basic gameboy emulator with terminal "Cloud Gaming" support
Aether client app with bundled front-end and P2P back-end
A platform for playing generative music in the browser.
Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Go)
Local, web-based mail server application. Slurp mails into oblivion!