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What is this repo?

This repo contains the code for the senior developer test from Invillia.

Below will be instructions on how to install and run the application, as well as other useful information.

Technologies used

The following technologies were used during development:

  • Docker
  • Laravel
  • MySql
  • Redis


After cloning the project, install the project dependencies with composer:

composer install

Configuring the environment

After the dependencies installation is finished, create a new .env file by copying the .env.example file, and then generating the application key:

cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

Inside the .env file you can place the needed info for the Database connection, as well as other information that might be needed:


The info above is what was used during the development. If you're not running the application from inside a docker-compose network, variables like DB_HOST should be changed to the actual address of the database, queue, etc..

Docker containers and Laravel Sail

The main docker-compose.yml file is in the root of the project. Laravel Sail was used to run the containers needed for the application. It acts mostly as a helper to run commands inside the containers created by docker. For example, you can run artisan commands inside the main application container like this:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

In the end it proxies docker-compose commands to the docker-compose binary, so this:

#alias sail="./vendor/bin/sail"
sail up -d

is the same as running this:

docker-compose up -d

For convenience, throughout this document sail will be used when running commands like artisan migrate, but the docker-compose counterparts can be run without any issues:

docker-compose exec -u sail laravel.test php artisan migrate

It's recomended to alias the sail script to easily run commands:

alias sail='bash vendor/bin/sail'

Starting the application

The application can be started using sail by running the command:

sail up laravel.test mysql redis
sail up -d laravel.test mysql redis #start in the background

The first execution of this command will take some time while docker builds the containers for the web application, mysql and redis. If the build fails, try running the command again in case it failed due to a network issue during the build process.

laravel.test is the name of the service created inside the docker-compose.yml file. This name can be configured, along with other values that are used during the creation of the containers when using sail, inside the .env file:


The APP_SERVICE variable defines which container/service is the one running the application, and 'laravel.test is the default value if not defined.

Running sail as root with sudo

If your main user doesn't have permissions to run docker without sudo, running sail commands as root might cause issues with the application container related to folder permissions. In this case, you should overwrite the WWWUSER and WWWGROUP variables inside the .env file, like this:

WWWUSER=1000 #run 'echo $UID' to get your user id
WWWGROUP=1000 #run 'id -g' to get your user group id

After this rebuild the containers, if they were already built:

sudo ./vendor/bin/sail build laravel.test mysql redis

Now the application should run without any issues.

If you aliased the sail script, it will not work when running with sudo due to user specific aliases not being available to the root user. In this case, run the script by using its full path:

sudo ./vendor/bin/sail ...

Migrating the database

Resuming the installation, migrate the database:

sail artisan migrate

Starting the queue worker

For the feature of proccessing the xml files in the background to work, the queue worker needs to be started:

sail artisan queue:work

Using the application

The main page of the application is the root page, where a form is displayed allowing the upload of 2 XML files: 1 for people and 1 for ship orders. The files uploaded go through the following validations:

  • Validate that the XML file is not malformed;
  • Validate that data inside the file is valid;
    • For example, the phone number field of the people XML file must be numeric. Otherwise the file is invalid;

If both files are valid, then they are processed and the results stored into the database. If the "Run in the background" option is checked, the files are proccessed in a queue.


After processing the files, the data processed can be accessed through the following api routes:

  • /api/people - This route returns all the people as json;
  • /api/ship-orders - This route returns all the ship orders as json;

The access to these endpoints require an api token of the Bearer type to be sent in the header of the request. Example with curl:

curl -i http:https://localhost/api/people \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
  -H "Accept: application/json"

Generating a token

A user can generate a token through the browser after user registration through the route /register and then generating a token by clicking at the menu and selecting the "API Tokens" option.

Users can also register and login through the API using the following routes:

  • /api/register - This route registers the user using its name, email and password;
  • /api/login - This route authenticates the user in using its email and password, and returns an api token in the response;

API documentation

The project includes an API documentation using the OpenAPI spec. The files containing the documentation are apidoc.yaml and apidoc.json.

The following command creates a temporary docker container that can be used to view the documentation in the browser:

docker run --rm  -p 8080:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/doc/apidoc.json -v $PWD:/doc swaggerapi/swagger-ui

The command must be run at the project folder root. Then the documentation can be viewed in the browser at http:https://localhost:8080.

Automated tests

The automated tests can be ran with the following command:

sail artisan test

The stub files used inside the tests can also be used to test the application in the browser. They are located at tests/stubs/.


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