- [CONNECTED: 0] = "Successfully connected to the remote document. Robot can be now activated.",
- [ACTIVATED: 1] = "Robot has been activated. His limbs can be now moved.",
- [MOVED: 2] = "A body part has been moved by a value.",
- [LIMIT_REACHED: 3] = "A body part cannot be moved any more",
- [HAND_OPENED: 4] = "A hand has been opened.",
- [HAND_CLOSED: 5] = "A hand has been closed",
- [DISK: 6] = "A disk has been placed in a hand.",
- [DISK_ENTER: 7] = "A disk is now under a hand and can be picked up.",
- [DISK_LEAVE: 8] = "A disk in now out of reach and cannot be picked up.",
- [HANOI: 9] = "State of disks on Hanoi Towers has changed.",
- [TOWER_ENTER: 16] = "Disk is over a tower and can be dropped.",
- [TOWER_LEAVE: 17] = "Disk is no longer over a tower and cannot be dropped.";
- CONNECT: 0, Connects to remote document
- ACTIVATE: 1, Activates the robot
- MOVE: 2, Moves rightArm by given angle or Moves a hand by a given value
- HAND: 3, Changes grasp of a hand or Toggles hand state (grasp)
- rightArm
- rightForearm
- rightHand
- leftArm
- leftForearm
- leftHand