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Routes for Polymer 1.0

A router as simple as it can be. Written for Polymer 1.0 in under 150 lines of code with support for:

  • Nested routes
  • Lazy loading of pages and site-sections
  • Animated page transitions
  • Reverse URL resolution


Getting started

Setting up <iron-routes> starts as simple as this.

<iron-routes for="app">
  <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
  <iron-route path="/login"></iron-route>
  <iron-route path="/product/:productId"></iron-route>

<iron-pages id="app">
  <section><h1>Login</h1> <a href="/product/1">or purchase</a></section>
  <section params="{{params}}"><h1>Product No. {{params.productId}}</h1></section>

How does it work? <iron-routes> registers a pushstate router. Both <iron-routes> and <iron-pages> are page selectables (implementing IronSelectableBehavior) and synchronize their selected attribute. In this case, selected is the index of a child element. See iron-pages to find out what can be done with selectables.

Multiple selectables

Additional selectable elements such as a navigation can be bound via the selected attribute. The example binds a <paper-tabs> to actively highlight the relevant page section. Binding permanent site components has the advantage that they are not reinstantiated upon page navigation.

<iron-routes for="app" attr-for-selected="section" selected="{{section}}">
  <iron-route path="/" section="home"></iron-route>
  <iron-route path="/careers/" section="careers"></iron-route>
  <iron-route path="/careers/job/:jobId" section="careers"></iron-route>

<paper-tabs attr-for-selected="section" selected="[[section]]">
  <paper-tab section="home">Home</paper-tab>
  <paper-tab section="careers">Careers</paper-tab>

<iron-pages id="app">
  <section><h1>Careers: Job</h1></section>

Nested routes

Using nested routes, the example can be further simplified.

<iron-routes for="app" selected="{{selected}}">
  <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
  <iron-routes path="/careers/">
    <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
    <iron-route path="/job/:jobId"></iron-route>

<paper-tabs selected="[[selected]]">

<iron-pages id="app">
    <section><h1>Careers: Job</h1></section>

Lazy loading

While a site keeps growing, lazy HTML imports and lazy element instantiation may speed up the initial loading. (This feature is not yet working stably.)

<iron-routes for="app">
  <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
  <iron-routes path="/careers/" href="elements/careers-elements.html">
    <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
    <iron-route path="/job/:jobId"></iron-route>

<iron-pages id="app">

Animating pages

<iron-routes> integrates with any selectable element. You can make use of neon animation features to nicely animate page transitions. Replace <iron-pages> by <neon-animated-pages>.

<iron-routes for="app">
  <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
  <iron-routes path="/careers/" href="elements/careers-elements.html">
    <iron-route path="/"></iron-route>
    <iron-route path="/job/:jobId"></iron-route>

<neon-animated-pages id="app" entry-animation="fade-in-animation" exit-animation="fade-out-animation">
  <neon-animated-pages entry-animation="fade-in-animation" exit-animation="fade-out-animation">


Install iron-routes via bower:

bower install iron-routes

Import it after Polymer:

<link href="bower_components/iron-routes/iron-routes.html" rel="import"/>


A Polymer 1.0 router done right






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