Using Composer :
composer install
If you don't have composer, you can get it from Composer
Using command line 1- Enter to the main folder. 2- run the command
- the probleme likes a Bipartite matching, we can use Eulerian path to solve the problem (
- the Eulerian algorithm is not yet implemented
Desing pattern Strategy is used to choose the algorithm, so we have 2 methods to solve the problem: -Complexity of Eulerian algorithm : not yet implemented -Complexity of SimpleSorter : O(n) = ((n-1)^2 -(n-1))/2 (polynomial)
Design pattern Factory is used to create the boarding card
return [
'bus' => '\Daheda\TripSorter\Transport\BoardingCards\BusBoardingCard',
'train' => '\Daheda\TripSorter\Transport\BoardingCards\TrainBoardingCard',
'flight' => '\Daheda\TripSorter\Transport\BoardingCards\FlightBoardingCard',