Tool and library to check cryptographic public keys for known vulnerabilities
badkeys checks public keys in a variety of formats for known vulnerabilities. A web version can be found at
badkeys can be installed via pip:
pip3 install badkeys
Alternatively you can call ./badkeys-cli directly from the git repository.
Before using badkeys you need to download the blocklist data:
badkeys --update-bl
After that you can call badkeys and pass files with cryptographic public keys as the parameter:
badkeys test.crt my.key
It will automatically try to detect the file format. Supported are public and private keys in PEM format (both PKCS #1 and PKCS #8), X.509 certificates, certificate signing requests (CSRs) and SSH public keys. You can find some test keys in the tests/data directory.
By default badkeys will only output information about vulnerable keys, meaning there will be no output if no vulnerabilities are found. The -a parameter creates output for all keys.
badkeys can directly scan SSH and TLS hosts and automatically check their public keys. This can be enabled with the parameters -s (for SSH) and -t (for TLS). By default SSH will be scanned on port 22 and TLS will be scanned on several ports for common protocols (https/443, smtps/465, ldaps/636, ftps/990, imaps/993, pop3s/995 and 8443, which is commonly used as a non-standard https port).
Alternative ports can be configured with --tls-ports and --ssh-ports.
TLS and SSH scanning can be combined:
badkeys -ts
badkeys can also be used as a Python module. However currently the software is in alpha state and the API may change regularly.
badkeys was written by Hanno Böck.
This work was funded in part by Industriens Fond through the CIDI project (Cybersecure IOT in Danish Industry) and in part by the Center for Information Security and Trust (CISAT) at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.