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Kodix's main monorepo. It uses Turborepo and contains:

  └─ workflows
        └─ CI with pnpm cache setup
  └─ Recommended extensions and settings for VSCode users
  ├─ care-expo
  |   ├─ Expo SDK 51 app for Care
  |   ├─ React Native using React 18
  |   ├─ Navigation using Expo Router
  |   └─ Typesafe API calls using tRPC
  └─ kdx
      └─ Main Next.js 14 app where tRPC endpoint is served from the @kdx/api package
  ├─ api
  |   └─ tRPC v11 router definition
  ├─ auth
  |   └─ Authentication using lucia-auth.
  ├─ db
  |   └─ Typesafe db calls using Drizzle and MySQL
  ├─ ui
  |   └─ Start of a UI package for the webapp using shadcn-ui
  ├- shared
  |   └─ Reusable code snippets and general lightweight code sharing
  ├- validators
  |   └─ Shared zod validation schemas (mainly for tRPC's api to be used in both frontend and backend)
  ├- react-email
  |   └─ react-email (npm package) project to store email templates and easily visualize them
  ├- locales
  |   └─ Shared locale files for i18n configuration (right now, only for the context of @kdx/kdx)
  ├- dayjs
  |   └─ Extended dayjs configuration (mainly for centralizing plugins)
  ├- date-fns
  |   └─ Package that just extends date-fns configurations to use i18n correctly for corect date formatting
  └─ trpc-cli
      └─ CLI tool to automatically create new endpoints in @kdx/api with the correct boilerplate
  ├─ eslint
  |   └─ shared, fine-grained, eslint presets
  ├─ prettier
  |   └─ shared prettier configuration
  ├─ tailwind
  |   └─ shared tailwind configuration
  └─ typescript
     └─ shared tsconfig you can extend from
      └─ Automatically create new @kdx packages with the correct boilerplate

Quick Start

To get it running, follow the steps below:


Make sure you have pnpm installed globally. If not, you can install it by running:

npm i -g pnpm

Node 20.11.0 is recommended. You can use nvm (recommended) to manage your node versions. To use the correct node version, run:

nvm use

1. Setup dependencies

# Install dependencies
pnpm i

# Configure environment variables
# There is an `.env.example` in the root directory you can use for reference, although you need to fill in the correct values yourself
cp .env.example .env

# Push the Drizzle schema to the database
pnpm db:push

In order to get the upstash-dev dockerfile to run with no complaints, run sudo usermod -aG docker $USER and then log out and back in.

2. Most helpful commands

# Clean all temporary files in all packages
pnpm clean:workspaces

# Lint and auto-fix linting errors in all packages
pnpm lint:fix

# Format and auto-fix formatting errors in all packages
pnpm format:fix

#Typecheck all packages
pnpm typecheck

# Start the main kdx app
pnpm dev:kdx

# Start Drizzle Studio
pnpm db:studio

# Pushing the Drizzle schema to the database
pnpm db:push

# Generate a new tRPC endpoint using the trpc-cli tool
pnpm trpc:new

# Generate language files after altering json files in locales
pnpm lang:gen

# Add new shadcn-ui components to the ui package
pnpm ui:add

# Create a new @kdx package
pnpm turbo gen init


This is a monorepo built using create-t3-turbo (thanks @juliusmarminge !)