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A barebones Kotlin multiplatform project with JVM and JS targets


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Kotlin multiplatform project example

This repository contains a barebones Kotlin multiplatform Gradle project with 3 modules: common (compiled to both JVM bytecode and JS), client (compiled to JS) and server (complied to JVM). Assumes a simple architecture, where the server module is a backend JVM application, client is the usual frontend web application, and the common module allows to share data structures, validation logic, and so on. It also comes with a working tests setup on both target platforms.

Feel free to use it for personal and commercial projects.

Note that I don't feel comfortable with frontend tools and the client module might have some issues. If you notice any problems or invalid configurations, please create a GitHub issue.

What to do after cloning

  • Change group and version in root build.gradle.
  • Update Gradle wrapper version in
  • Update dependencies' versions in and package.json.
  • Rename packages (preferably with IntelliJ Refactor > Rename), replace com.github.czyzby throughout the project.
  • Include your project dependencies in subprojects build.gradle files.
  • Write actual code. Or not.

Useful Gradle tasks

  • server:test: runs server tests and common tests compiled with server actual implementations via JUnit runner.
  • client:test: runs client tests and common tests compiled with client actual implementations via Karma/Mocha.
  • test, check: runs tests (or tests with all checks) in every subproject.
  • server:run: runs main function of the server project.
  • client:run: runs Webpack in watch mode at localhost:8080 which automatically reloads when you recompile KotlinJS sources or add copy new static resouces. (Press F12 and read the console to see if example code works.)
  • client:watch -t: recompiles client sources and copies resources on every src/main file modification. Make sure to use -t flag to run in continuous mode. Along with client:run, these two tasks provide hot reload after every file change.
  • assemble: builds a standalone runnable jar at server/build/libs and bundles JS sources to client/build/dist.
  • client:bundle: invokes Webpack (with deployment configuration) to pack and minifies JS sources and exports them to client/build/dist. Invoked by assemble.
  • client:copyStaticResources: copies files from client/src/main/resources to client/build/dist. Copied files will be served by the dev server (client:run). Automatically invoked by bundle and client:run.

Typical workflow

During development, run ./gradlew client:run and ./gradlew -t client:watch to deploy the client application locally on localhost:8080 with hot reload on each file change. Use your server framework of choice to run the server application. If anything unexpected happens, run ./gradlew clean and repeat.

Caveat: Ctrl+C will not kill Webpack (client:run). This is a known issue. You can avoid it by turning off Gradle deamons or installing Yarn locally and using yarn run start instead of the Gradle task.

To deploy, run ./gradlew assemble. server/build/libs will contain a standalone runnable jar, and client/build/dist will contain your resources, Webpack-generated HTML file and bundled JS files.


See this commit in kotlinx-serialization branch branch for kotlinx-serialization integration example.

Client project contains examples of asynchronous tests.


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