As the workflow showed that after you calling Variantion and got the VCF file, then you just can using the (only for tetraploid species) or R package like PolyRAD and Updog to get the dosages matrix, and the last to use the polymapR to construct the genetic mapping. Well, also this pipeline will get the locus mapping file for QTLanalysis.
So this pipeline was built to analysis polyploid species genetic mapping. Mostly used the polymapR to create the linkage maps in polyploid species from marker dosage scores of an F1 cross from two heterozygous parents . So, currently works for outcrossing diploid, autotriploid, autotetraploid and autohexaploid species, as well as segmental allotetraploids. The details of Methods, please see the paper.
polymapR is available on CRAN at polymapR. As with other packages on CRAN, it can be installed directly from within R using the command:
> install.packages("polymapR")
PolyRAD depends on some Bioconductor packages. Before attempting to install polyRAD, YOU should run :
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)){
and You also should install VariantAnnotation R package for import from VCF, and run:
and then install polyRAD from CRAN with :
Updog provides a suite of methods for genotyping polyploids from next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. You can install updog from CRAN in the usual way:
or install for the current version from github with :
# install.packages("devtools")
install.packages("qtl") #
install.packages("ASMap") #
install.packages("getopt") #
If you are interested in this pipeline or using, and met any bug, please feel free to Contact me