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NFS is a protocol that allows nodes to read/write data over a network. The protocol works by having a master node running the NFS daemon and stores the data. This master node makes certain directories available over the network.

Clients access the masters shared via drive mounts. From the viewpoint of applications, they are writing to the local disk. Under the covers, the NFS protocol writes it to the master. Task

In this scenario, and for demonstration and learning purposes, the role of the NFS Server is handled by a customised container. The container makes directories available via NFS and stores the data inside the container. In production, it is recommended to configure a dedicated NFS Server.

Start the NFS using the command docker run -d --net=host
--privileged --name nfs-server
/exports/data-0001 /exports/data-0002

     The NFS server exposes two directories, data-0001 and data-0002. In the next steps, this is used to store data.

Step 2 - Deploy Persistent Volume

For Kubernetes to understand the available NFS shares, it requires a PersistentVolume configuration. The PersistentVolume supports different protocols for storing data, such as AWS EBS volumes, GCE storage, OpenStack Cinder, Glusterfs and NFS. The configuration provides an abstraction between storage and API allowing for a consistent experience.

In the case of NFS, one PersistentVolume relates to one NFS directory. When a container has finished with the volume, the data can either be Retained for future use or the volume can be Recycled meaning all the data is deleted. The policy is defined by the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy option.

For structure is:

apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: spec: capacity: storage: 1Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce - ReadWriteMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle nfs: server: path:

The spec defines additional metadata about the persistent volume, including how much space is available and if it has read/write access. Task

Create two new PersistentVolume definitions to point at the two available NFS shares.

kubectl create -f nfs-0001.yaml

kubectl create -f nfs-0002.yaml

View the contents of the files using

cat nfs-0001.yaml nfs-0002.yaml

Once created, view all PersistentVolumes in the cluster using

kubectl get pv

Step 3 - Deploy Persistent Volume Claim

Once a Persistent Volume is available, applications can claim the volume for their use. The claim is designed to stop applications accidentally writing to the same volume and causing conflicts and data corruption.

The claim specifies the requirements for a volume. This includes read/write access and storage space required. An example is as follows:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: claim-mysql spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 3Gi


Create two claims for two different applications. A MySQL Pod will use one claim, the other used by an HTTP server.

kubectl create -f pvc-mysql.yaml

kubectl create -f pvc-http.yaml

View the contents of the files using

cat pvc-mysql.yaml pvc-http.yaml

Once created, view all PersistentVolumesClaims in the cluster using

kubectl get pvc.

The claim will output which Volume the claim is mapped to.

Step 4 - Use Volume

When a deployment is defined, it can assign itself to a previous claim. The following snippet defines a volume mount for the directory /var/lib/mysql/data which is mapped to the storage mysql-persistent-storage. The storage called mysql-persistent-storage is mapped to the claim called claim-mysql.

spec: volumeMounts: - name: mysql-persistent-storage mountPath: /var/lib/mysql/data volumes: - name: mysql-persistent-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: claim-mysql


Launch two new Pods with Persistent Volume Claims. Volumes are mapped to the correct directory when the Pods start allowing applications to read/write as if it was a local directory.

kubectl create -f pod-mysql.yaml

kubectl create -f pod-www.yaml

Use the command below to view the definition of the Pods.

cat pod-mysql.yaml pod-www.yaml

You can see the status of the Pods starting using kubectl get pods

If a Persistent Volume Claim is not assigned to a Persistent Volume, then the Pod will be in Pending mode until it becomes available. In the next step, we'll read/write data to the volume.

Step 5 - Read/Write Data

Our Pods can now read/write. MySQL will store all database changes to the NFS Server while the HTTP Server will serve static from the NFS drive. When upgrading, restarting or moving containers to a different machine the data will still be accessible.

To test the HTTP server, write a 'Hello World' index.html homepage. In this scenario, we know the HTTP directory will be based on data-0001 as the volume definition hasn't driven enough space to satisfy the MySQL size requirement.

docker exec -it nfs-server bash -c "echo 'Hello World' > /exports/data-0001/index.html"

Based on the IP of the Pod, when accessing the Pod, it should return the expected response.

ip=$(kubectl get pod www -o yaml |grep podIP | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]}'); echo $ip

curl $ip Update Data

When the data on the NFS share changes, then the Pod will read the newly updated data.

docker exec -it nfs-server bash -c "echo 'Hello NFS World' > /exports/data-0001/index.html"

curl $ip

Step 6 - Recreate Pod

Because a remote NFS server stores the data, if the Pod or the Host were to go down, then the data will still be available. Task

Deleting a Pod will cause it to remove claims to any persistent volumes. New Pods can pick up and re-use the NFS share.

kubectl delete pod www

kubectl create -f pod-www2.yaml

ip=$(kubectl get pod www2 -o yaml |grep podIP | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]}'); curl $ip

The applications now use a remote NFS for their data storage. Depending on requirements, this same approach works with other storage engines such as GlusterFS, AWS EBS, GCE storage or OpenStack Cinder.


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