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Secure Boot Description Language

  • v 0.1 - 2019.03.04: Initial publication


The Secure Boot Description Language is used to document the chain-of-trust in secure boot implementations. Describing a secure boot design in the abstract may be useful when reviewing the security assurances of an embedded design or can be used by developers to understand how their design will be perceived to security analysts. Nearly all secure-boot designs include portions of untrusted memory and their location should be clearly demarcated to developers to avoid inadvertently introducing vulnerabilities in the secure boot designs through software and system configuration flaws.

The initial motivation for writing this language was out of necessity from conducting embedded security reviews of embedded products. There are many secure boot reference designs from different vendors and some product vendors may write their own design from scratch. Each case will use a language to describe their chain-of-trust, if described at all. These designs are often very similar to each other and their similarity may only become apparent after generalization. This SBDL is intended to help with generalization. Ideally common implementations can be shared in this repository to make understanding bespoke and new designs easier. (please contribute)

The language examples given err on the side of being less device specific to allow greater comparability and temporal accessibility. E.g. flash is used to describe memories external to the CPU. This is sufficient for single memory systems but authors describing multi-memory systems may wish to trade portability for additional clarity by using nand/nor/emmc/usb to describe memory locations.


This generalization language might obscure important details. For example missing are authentication modes and mac functions. Additionally a glaring omission is lack of effective representation for design flaws that occur when decryption is assumed to equal authentication (see Practical malleability attack against CBC-Encrypted LUKS partitions, archive). Hopefully readers that find these details important could help organize this language to better suite those needs.


Here is a simple example showing 1 boot stage, a system kernel, filesystem, product applications and then an untrusted configuration partition. These are secured using cryptographic authentication that depend on keys stored internally to the CPU.


    boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
   kernel = boot1:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://kernel_sign)
 keystore = kernel:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://keystore_encsign)
            kernel:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://keystore_encsign)
  filesys = kernel:verify(keystore:https://key, flash:https://filesys_sign)
     apps = filesys:https://applications
^^^^^^^^^^^^ trusted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
vvvvvvvvvvvv untrusted vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
     conf = flash:https://conf

The ^^^ trusted ^^^ and vvv untrusted vvv delimiters are unnecessary. The untrusted elements in the SBDL definition should be obvious without these delimiters but they can be included as a visual warning that indicates where the chain-of-trust stops.


  • boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
    1st stage bootloader is loaded from ROM stored internally to the CPU. As this is Read Only Memory this stage is trusted.
  • kernel = boot1:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://kernel_sign)
    OS Kernel stored in flash and verified by 1st stage bootloader software using a key stored in the CPU's One Time Programmable memory.
  • keystore = kernel:verify and decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://keystore_encsign)
    A keystore is stored signed and encrypted on flash and decrypted and verified by OS Kernel using a key stored in the CPU's One Time Programmable Memory.
  • filesys = kernel:verify(keystore:https://key, flash:https://filesys_sign)
    Filesystem stored in flash and verified by OS kernel using a key found in the keystore.
  • apps = filesys:https://applications
    Applications are loaded from the trusted fileystem.
  • conf = flash:https://conf
    A configuration partition is stored on flash and loaded without any authentication and is therefor untrusted.

Note: the use of cpu:otp:https://key is generalized and in actuality different OTP keys may be used to refer to different keys the SBDL definition. This generalization will still relay important information about trust and key storage but if key serialization were important then author may wish to number each key.



    boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
    boot2 = boot1:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://boot2_enc)
   kernel = boot2:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://kernel_enc)
 keystore = boot2:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://keystore_enc)
  filesys = boot2:decrypt(keystore:https://key, flash:https://filesys_enc)
     apps = filesys:https://applications
^^^^^^^^^^^^ hidden ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
vvvvvvvvvvvv clear vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
     conf = flash:https://conf

Note: Encryption may provide secrecy but without authentication it should not be assumed to prevent modification.


   boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
   boot2 = boot1:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://boot2_enc)
  kernel = boot2:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://kernel_enc)
 filesys = boot2:verify(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://filesys_enc)
    apps = filesys:https://applications
^^^^^^^^^^^^ trusted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
vvvvvvvvvvvv untrusted vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    conf = flash:https://conf


   boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
   cocpu = cpu:coprocessor         #coprocessor is cpu enclave
   boot2 = cocpu:decrypt(cocpu:key_index, flash:https://boot2_enc)
  kernel = cocpu:decrypt(cocpu:key_index, flash:https://kernel_enc)
 filesys = boot2:decrypt(cocpu:key_index, flash:https://filesys_enc)
    apps = filesys:https://applications
    conf = boot2:verify(cocpu:key_index, flash:https://conf_signed)


Flash Partitions:
flash:boot1, flash:boot2, flash:app1, flash:app1, flash:user
For now all just referenced with flash:https://

   boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
   boot2 = boot1:verify(cpu:otp:https://pubkey, flash:https://uboot2)
  kernel = boot2:verify(cpu:otp:https://pubkey, flash:https://kernel)
 # uses linux dm-verify which auto verifies blocks as loaded
 filesys = kernel:dm-verify(cpu:otp:https://pubkey, flash:https://filesys)
^^^^^^^^^^^^ trusted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


   boot1 = cpu:rom:https://boot1
   boot2 = boot1:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://boot2_enc)
  kernel = boot2:decrypt(cpu:otp:https://key, flash:https://kernel_enc)
 filesys = flash:https://filesystem
    apps = filesys:https://applications


Pull requests welcome.

  • Thank you Jennifer Gehrke for the in-depth discussions on issues with encrypted only firmwares and to Jakob Lell for writing about exactly this issue through example (see links in intro).


There exist other generalization languages in the cryptographic field but these are often meant to answer more than the very basic questions required for initial secure boot review. Namely the primary questions a secure boot generalization should answer are where secrets are stored and where code is loaded from. The language should be simple enough to look at one page and require a minimal of domain specific knowledge. The use of the HTTP :https:// mnemonic is read as:

thing contains : this thing that stores :https:// final thing

This notation style could be extended to more literally indicate the access protocols used (eg. i2c, spi). Adding access protocol information introduces additional information density which may reduce comparability and temporal portability. The current notation places emphasis on storage locations.


Secure Boot Definition Languag




