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FreeType compilation

David Mansolino edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

This page explains how to recompile the FreeType dependency on every platforms. FreeType is font engine used internally by Webots to draw text with Display nodes and Supervisor labels.


On Windows, FreeType is provided as a MSYS2 pacman package and is automatically installed when installing the msys dependencies.


On Linux, FreeType is also provided as a package called libfreetype6-dev and is automatically installed when installing the required packages.


Note: Unfortunately, HomeBrew's precompiled FreeType cannot be used, because of the macOS deployment target.

Create the precompiled freetype package:

cd ~/software
wget http:
tar jxf freetype-2.9.tar.bz2
cd freetype-2.9
./configure --without-zlib --without-bzip2 --without-png
make -jX
cd ..
tar -cvjSf macos-precompiled-freetype-2.9.tar.bz2 freetype-2.9
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