Convert a THREE.Mesh to a CANNON.Shape.
SMQ is an easy to use IoT pub/sub protocol designed and optimized for embedded systems
A super small and fast embedded HTTP(S) WebSocket server
three.proton is a magical 3d particle engine using three.js library. It is based on the Proton engine library.
A GLSL-heavy particle engine for THREE.js. Originally based on Stemkoski's great particle engine (see README)
wolfMQTT is a small, fast, portable MQTT client implementation, including support for TLS 1.3.
STM32 FatFS + SD Card Example via SPI interface
FreeMODBUS RTU port for STM32 HAL library
FreeMODBUS TCP port for STM32 HAL library
An (V)USB bootloader firmware for AVR-MCUs emulating the popular USBasp for programming itself