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Files for managing the Collaborative Center for Landslide Geohazards (CCLG) Landslide Modeling Portal (LMP), hosted at


  • login.html: Custom FirstUseAuthenticator login page. It directs to a Google Form to request a login. Place this file in


    overwriting the existing file. This hack came from tips in this issue.

  • native-login.html and signup.html: Custom NativeAuthenticator login and signup pages. Place these files in


    overwriting the existing files. This hack came from tips in this issue.

  • requirements.txt: Software required for the Portal, installed in the base environment.

  • landslides.ipynb: Notebook automatically displayed on login. Place in /etc/skel, then set

    c.Spawner.default_url = "/lab/tree/landslides.ipynb"

    in /opt/tljh/hub/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tljh/


CCLG and CSDMS are supported with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation.