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Merge pull request #4 from wschwanghart/master
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TopoToolbox 2.2
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wschwanghart committed Nov 4, 2017
2 parents 01a7929 + 480196d commit 5e16139
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Showing 232 changed files with 38,035 additions and 4,104 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
222 changes: 181 additions & 41 deletions @FLOWobj/FLOWobj.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions @FLOWobj/FLOWobj2GRIDobj.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
function G = FLOWobj2GRIDobj(F)

% create ESRI ArcGIS flow direction grid from FLOWobj
%FLOWOBJ2GRIDOBJ create ESRI ArcGIS flow direction grid from FLOWobj
% Syntax
% G = FLOWobj2GRIDobj(F)
% AF = FLOWobj2GRIDobj(FD)
% Description
Expand All @@ -15,20 +15,30 @@
% Input arguments
% F instance of FLOWobj
% FD instance of FLOWobj
% Output arguments
% G instance of GRIDobj that stores the flow directions in the
% AF instance of GRIDobj that stores the flow directions in the
% format used by ESRI ArcGIS.
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'preprocess','c');
% ArcFlow = FLOWobj2GRIDobj(FD);
% imagesc(ArcFlow)
% See also: GRIDobj, GRIDobj2geotiff
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
% Date: 5. October, 2013

switch lower(F.type)
case {'multi' 'dinf'}
error('not possible for multiple flow directions')

G = copy2GRIDobj(F);

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21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions @FLOWobj/FLOWobj2M.m
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
function M = FLOWobj2M(FD)

% convert instance of FLOWobj to flow direction matrix
%FLOWOBJ2M convert instance of FLOWobj to flow direction matrix
% Syntax
Expand All @@ -11,9 +11,26 @@
% FLOWobj2M converts an instance of FLOWobj to the flow direction
% matrix M as used in TopoToolbox 1.
% Input arguments
% FD FLOWobj
% Output arguments
% M sparse transfer matrix
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'preprocess','c');
% M = FLOWobj2M(FD);
% [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM);
% [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
% gplot(M,[x(:) y(:)])
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
% Date: 23. February, 2013
% Date: 18. August, 2017

nrc = prod(FD.size);
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion @FLOWobj/FLOWobj2cell.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
function [CFD,D,A,cfix] = FLOWobj2cell(FD,IX)

% Return cell array of FLOWobjs for individual drainage basins
%FLOWOBJ2CELL return cell array of FLOWobjs for individual drainage basins
% Syntax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,13 @@
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'preprocess','c');
% [CFD,~,a] = FLOWobj2cell(FD);
% [~,ix] = max(a);
% A = flowacc(CFD{ix});
% imageschs(DEM,log(A))
% See also: FLOWobj, STREAMobj/STREAMobj2cell
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
Expand All @@ -49,6 +56,8 @@
error('a forth output argument is only allowed for two input arguments');

FDcopy = FD;
FDcopy.ix = [];
FDcopy.ixc = [];
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32 changes: 29 additions & 3 deletions @FLOWobj/FLOWobj2gradient.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
function G = FLOWobj2gradient(FD,DEM)

% gradient along flow direction
%FLOWOBJ2GRADIENT gradient along flow direction
% Syntax
Expand All @@ -13,6 +13,24 @@
% when deriving the FLOWobj. FLOWobj2gradient returns an instance of
% GRIDobj that contains the gradient along the flow paths.
% If FLOWobj has been derived using a multiple or Dinf flow direction
% algorithm, then G is calculated as the weighted mean gradient.
% Input arguments
% FD FLOWobj
% DEM digital elevation model (GRIDobj)
% Output arguments
% G along-flow gradient
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'preprocess','c');
% G = FLOWobj2gradient(FD,DEM);
% imageschs(DEM,G)
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
Expand All @@ -21,5 +39,13 @@
d = getdistance(FD.ix,FD.ixc,FD.size,FD.cellsize);
G = DEM;
G.Z = zeros(FD.size,class(DEM.Z));
G.Z(FD.ix) = (DEM.Z(FD.ix)-DEM.Z(FD.ixc))./d;
switch FD.type
case 'single'
G.Z = zeros(FD.size,class(DEM.Z));
G.Z(FD.ix) = (DEM.Z(FD.ix)-DEM.Z(FD.ixc))./d;
d = FD.fraction .* (DEM.Z(FD.ix) - DEM.Z(FD.ixc))./d;
g = accumarray(FD.ix,d,[prod(DEM.size) 1],@sum,zeros(1,'like',DEM.Z),false);
G.Z = reshape(g,DEM.size);

208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions @FLOWobj/dbentropy.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
function [OUT,Pc] = dbentropy(FD,ix)

%DBENTROPY entropy of drainage basin delineation
% Syntax
% [H,S] = dbentropy(M,siz,ix)
% Description
% dbentropy calculates the Shannon Entropy (H) of a digital elevation
% model. H quantifies the uncertainty associated with each pixel in the
% DEM to drain towards a specific outlet.
% Input parameters
% FD multiple flow direction FLOWobj
% IX linear indices into the DEM from which FD was derived.
% Output arguments
% H Shannon Entropy grid (GRIDobj)
% S structure array with numel(ix) elements with additional
% information to each outlet. S.P contains the probability grid
% for each outlet. S.IX is the outlet's linear index. CA01-99 are
% the error bounds for the drainage area.
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% DEM = fillsinks(DEM);
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'multi');
% IX = [107807 769639];
% [H,SB] = dbentropy(FD,IX);
% imageschs(DEM,H,'colormap',flipud(hot))
% Reference
% Schwanghart, W., Heckmann, T. (2012): Fuzzy delineation of drainage
% basins through probabilistic interpretation of diverging flow algorithms.
% Environmental Modelling and Software, 33, 106-113.
% [DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.01.016]
% See also: drainagebasins, FLOWobj
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
% Date: 07. October, 2016

M = FLOWobj2M(FD);
siz = FD.size;

if nargin == 1;
ix = find(((sum(M,2)) == 0) & (sum(M,1)' > 0));
nrix = numel(ix);
% check the number of outlets and break the problems into chunks if
% necessary

chunksize = 100;

if nrix > chunksize;
chunks = true;
chunks = false;

% In addition, suggest to output only some of the larger fuzzy drainage basins
if nargout >= 2 && chunks;

mess = ['The number of probability matrices is quite large (k = ' num2str(nrix) ').\n' ...
'It is suggested to return only the probability matrices of\n'...
'the outlets with the largest drainage basins. Please provide\n'...
'a number of how many you want. The default is n = ' num2str(chunksize) '. n : '];
pout = input(mess);
if isempty(pout)
pout = 10;

A = (speye(prod(siz))-M')\ones(prod(siz),1);
[~,ixsort] = sort(A(ix),'descend');
ix = ix(ixsort);

nrc = prod(siz);

nrc = prod(siz);
nrix = numel(ix);

% create sinks at provided indices
SINKS = ones(nrc,1);
SINKS(nrix) = 0;
M = spdiags(SINKS,0,nrc,nrc)*M;

chunks = false;

% S is a matrix where each outlet has its own column.
S = sparse(ix,1:nrix,1,nrc,nrix);

% B is the membership (partition) matrix (?) (fuzzy partition matrix).
% B contains the membership grades. (calculated by membership function below)

if nargout >= 2;
Pc = struct('P',{},'IX',{},'CA50',{},'CA99',{},...
% linear index
pl = (1:prod(siz))';
% percentiles
percentiles = [.99 .95 .66 .50 .33 .05 .01];

if ~chunks
% solve system of equations to get probabilities
P = (speye(nrc)-M)\S;

if nargout >= 2

for r = 1:nrix;
Pc(r).P = full(reshape(P(:,r),siz));
Pc(r).IX = ix(r);
ptemp = sort(full(P(:,r)),'descend');
[~,m] = unique(ptemp);
perc = interp1(ptemp(m),pl(m),percentiles);

Pc(r).CA50 = perc(4);
Pc(r).CA99 = perc(1);
Pc(r).CA95 = perc(2);
Pc(r).CA66 = perc(3);
Pc(r).CA33 = perc(5);
Pc(r).CA05 = perc(6);
Pc(r).CA01 = perc(7);

Pc(r).percentiles = percentiles;
Pc(r).area = perc;


sP = sum(P,2);
sP = sparse(max(1-sP,0));

H = reshape(-full(sum(spfun(@(x) x.*log2(x),[P sP]),2)),siz);

H = zeros(siz);
counter = 1;
sP = zeros(prod(siz),1);

for r = 1:ceil(nrix/chunksize);
cols = ((r-1)*chunksize + 1):r*chunksize;
cols(cols>nrix) = [];

P = (speye(nrc)-M)\S(:,cols);
sP = sum(P,2)+sP;
H = H + reshape(-full(sum(spfun(@(x) x.*log2(x),P),2)),siz);

if nargout >= 2

for rr = cols(1):cols(end);

if rr<=pout
Pc(rr).P = full(reshape(P(:,counter),siz));
ptemp = sort(Pc(rr).P(:),'descend');
Pc(rr).P = [];
ptemp = sort(full(P(:,counter)),'descend');

Pc(rr).IX = ix(rr);
[~,m] = unique(ptemp);
perc = interp1(ptemp(m),pl(m),percentiles);

Pc(rr).CA50 = perc(4);
Pc(rr).CA99 = perc(1);
Pc(rr).CA95 = perc(2);
Pc(rr).CA66 = perc(3);
Pc(rr).CA33 = perc(5);
Pc(rr).CA05 = perc(6);
Pc(rr).CA01 = perc(7);

% reset counter if larger than chunksize
if counter >= chunksize;
counter = 1;
counter = counter+1;

% H = H + reshape(1 - sP.*log2(sP),siz);

H = max(min(H,1),0);
OUT = GRIDobj(FD);
OUT.Z = H; = 'fuzzy drainage basins';


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