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getlocation and diffusion added
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wschwanghart committed Nov 23, 2020
1 parent 1bd86f2 commit 09ca20f
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Showing 2 changed files with 337 additions and 0 deletions.
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions @GRIDobj/diffusion.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
function DEM = diffusion(DEM,varargin)

%DIFFUSION Solve the diffusion equation
% Syntax
% DEMd = diffusion(DEM,D,dt)
% Description
% This function uses an implicit scheme to solve the linear diffusion
% equation for a DEM.
% Input arguments
% DEM digital elevation model
% Parameter name/value pairs
% D diffusivity (m^2 /y) (default = 1)
% timespan duration (y) (default = 1000)
% numsteps number of iterations (default = 5)
% streamnet STREAMobj
% solver 'pcg' (default) or '\'
% pcgtol 1e-6 (default)
% uplift GRIDobj or scalar (default = 0)
% Output arguments
% DEMd diffused DEM
% Example
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% DEMd = DEM;
% for r = 1:10;
% DEMd = diffusion(DEMd);
% imageschs(DEMd);
% drawnow;
% end
% figure
% imageschs(DEM,DEMd-DEM)
% See also: GRIDobj/filter, ttlem
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
% Date: 20. October, 2020

p = inputParser;

D = p.Results.D;
numsteps = p.Results.numsteps;
dt = p.Results.timespan / numsteps;

nrc = prod(DEM.size);
% get neighbor indices
[ic,icd] = ixneighbors(DEM.Z,[],4);

% remove indices to nan-cells
I = isnan(DEM.Z(ic)) | isnan(DEM.Z(icd));
ic(I) = [];
icd(I) = [];

% calculate laplacian
L = sparse(ic,icd,1,nrc,nrc);
L = spdiags(sum(L,2),0,nrc,nrc) - L;
% and the diffusion matrix
if isa(D,'GRIDobj')
D = D.Z(:);
D = repmat(D,numel(DEM.Z),1);

if isempty(p.Results.streamnet)
D = speye(nrc) + spdiags(D,0,nrc,nrc)*dt/(2*DEM.cellsize^2)*L;
S = +STREAMobj2GRIDobj(p.Results.streamnet);
D = speye(nrc) + spdiags(D,0,nrc,nrc)*dt/(2*DEM.cellsize^2)*spdiags(1-S.Z(:),0,nrc,nrc)*L;
% must work with doubles
% remember class
c = class(DEM.Z);
% ensure double
DEM.Z = double(DEM.Z);

% set nan values to zero
I = isnan(DEM.Z);
DEM.Z(I) = 0;

% solve
Z1 = DEM.Z(:);

if isa(p.Results.uplift,'GRIDobj')
u = p.Results.uplift.Z;
u = p.Results.uplift;
u = repmat(u,DEM.size);

if ~isempty(p.Results.streamnet)
u(S.Z>0) = 0;
u = u(:);
u = u/1000 * dt;

for r = 1:numsteps
switch p.Results.solver
case '\'
Z1 = D\(Z1+u);
case 'pcg'
[Z1,~] = pcg(D,Z1+u,p.Results.pcgtol,[],[],[],Z1);
error('unknown solver')
% reshape
DEM.Z = reshape(Z1,DEM.size);
% reset values to nan
DEM.Z(I) = nan;
% reset input class
DEM.Z = cast(DEM.Z,c);
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions @STREAMobj/getlocation.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
function varargout = getlocation(S,d0,varargin)

%GETLOCATION Get locations along a stream network
% Syntax
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(S,val)
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(S,val,'value',S.distance)
% [P,value] = getlocation(...,'output','PPS','z',DEM)
% [xc,yc,value] = getlocation(...,'output','xcyc')
% [ix,value] = getlocation(...,'output','ix')
% MS = getlocation(...,'output','mapstruct')
% MP = getlocation(...,'output','mappoint')
% GP = getlocation(...,'output','geopoint')
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(...,'output','cell')
% Description
% getlocation returns the coordinates (or a data model that stores
% coordinates) where values measured along a stream network S have a
% specified value val. For example, the command
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(S,val) or
% getlocation(S,val,'value',S.distance)
% returns the coordinates x and y at which the stream network has a
% distance val from the outlet. Alternatively, the command
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(S,1000,'value',DEM)
% returns the coordinates where elevations along a stream network are
% 1000 m.
% Input arguments
% val scalar or vector of values (e.g. distance from the outlet or
% elevation), or anonymous function
% 'value' can also be a function such as @mean.
% The command
% [x,y,value] = getlocation(S,@mean,'value',DEM)
% returns the locations where the stream network attains the mean
% elevation along the stream network.
% Parameter name/value pairs
% 'value' node-attribute list or GRIDobj
% By default, 'value' is S.distance, i.e. the distance from
% the outlet.
% 'output' {'xy'},'xcyc','ix','PPS','mappoint','geopoint','mapstruct'
% 'xy' exact coordinates (linearly interpolated)
% 'xcyc' coordinates at cell centers
% 'ix' linear indices of cells
% 'PPS' instance of PPS
% 'mappoint' mappoint
% 'geopoint' geopoint (if S has a projected coordinate
% system)
% 'mapstruct' mapping structure array
% 'cell' a cell array of points is returned for each
% value in val.
% 'z' adds an elevation attribute to PPS (only applicable if
% output is PPS)
% Output arguments
% ... see 'output'
% value same as val, but repeated for each location
% Example 1: Create map with points equally spaced from the outlet
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM);
% S = STREAMobj(FD,'minarea',1000);
% S = klargestconncomps(S,1);
% [x,y,val] = getlocation(S,[0:5000:max(S.distance)]);
% plot(S)
% hold on
% scatter(x,y,20,val/1000,'filled')
% h = colorbar;
% h.Label.String = 'Distance from outlet [km]';
% Example 2: Create a map with points where streams intersect with contour
% lines
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM);
% S = STREAMobj(FD,'minarea',1000);
% [xcon,ycon,zcon] = contour(DEM,10);
% plot(xcon,ycon,'color',[.7 .7 .7])
% P = getlocation(S,unique(zcon),'value',DEM,'output','PPS');
% [x,y] = getlocation(S,unique(zcon),'value',DEM,'output','xy');
% hold on
% plot(P)
% plot(x,y,'.','color',[.7 .7 .7])
% hold off
% Example 3: Animation of upstream migrating knickpoints
% DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
% FD = FLOWobj(DEM);
% S = STREAMobj(FD,'minarea',1000);
% S = klargestconncomps(S,1);
% A = flowacc(FD);
% c = chitransform(S,A,'mn',0.4);
% [xc,yc,val] = getlocation(S,linspace(min(c),max(c),500),...
% 'value',c,'output','cell');
% plot(S,'color',[.6 .6 .6])
% axis image
% hold on
% h = plot(xc{1},yc{1},'ok','MarkerFaceColor',[.6 .6 .6]);
% for r = 1:numel(val)
% set(h,'XData',xc{r},'YData',yc{r});
% drawnow
% end
% hold off
% See also: STREAMobj, STREAMobj/distance, STREAMobj/getvalue
% Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at]
% Date: 21. November, 2020

% Valid output
validoutput = {'xy','xcyc','ix','PPS','mappoint',...

% Parse input
p = inputParser;
addParameter(p,'value',S.distance,@(x) isa(x,'GRIDobj') || isnal(S,x));

% Validate output
output = validatestring(p.Results.output,validoutput);

% Handle value grid or node-attribute list
d = p.Results.value;
if isa(d,'GRIDobj')
d = getnal(S,d);

% Is val an function handle?
if isa(d0,'function_handle')
d0 = d0(d);

% Outlets need special treatment
outlet = streampoi(S,'outlet','logical');

% Call getlocation_sub for all elements in d0
[x,y,c] = cellfun(@getlocation_sub, num2cell(d0),'UniformOutput',false);

switch lower(output)
case 'cell'
x = vertcat(x{:});
y = vertcat(y{:});
c = vertcat(c{:});

% Prepare output
switch lower(output)
case {'xy','xcyc'}
varargout{1} = x;
varargout{2} = y;
varargout{3} = c;
case 'ix'
ix = coord2ind(GRIDobj(S,'logical'),x,y);

varargout{1} = ix;
varargout{2} = c;
case 'mapstruct'
varargout{1} = struct('Geometry','Point',...
case 'pps'
if isempty(p.Results.z)
varargout{1} = PPS(S,'PP',[x y]);
varargout{1} = PPS(S,'PP',[x y],'z',p.Results.z);
varargout{2} = c;

case 'mappoint'
varargout{1} = mappoint(x,y,'value',c);
case 'geopoint'
[lat,lon] = minvtran(S.georef.mstruct,x,y);
varargout{1} = ygeopoint(lat,lon,'value',c);
case 'cell'
varargout{1} = x;
varargout{2} = y;
varargout{3} = cellfun(@(x) x(1),c,'UniformOutput',true);
%% --------------------------------------
function [x,y,c] = getlocation_sub(d0)
f = (d0-d(S.ixc)) ./ (d(S.ix)-d(S.ixc));
I = (f>0) & (f <=1) | (outlet(S.ixc) & (f == 0));

switch lower(output)
case {'xcyc','ix','pps'}
f = round(f);
x = S.x(S.ixc(I)) + f(I).*(S.x(S.ix(I))-S.x(S.ixc(I)));
y = S.y(S.ixc(I)) + f(I).*(S.y(S.ix(I))-S.y(S.ixc(I)));

c = repmat(d0,size(x));

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