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Mercari Test Project

This project created base on Mercari assignment for hiring process.

It is base on Kotlin with most the new Android architecture components and another useful library on android such as

  • viewModel
  • liveData
  • data Binding
  • MVVM
  • Glide
  • Koin
  • androidTest with espresso


  • BaseActivity is a generic class extended from AppCompatActivity which manage basic requirement are common in most Activity.

  • MainActivity is the launcher activity, It's shows layout with tabBar and ViewPager. every viewPager contain a Fragment. this activity extended from BaseActivity

    • MainActivityViewMode is a viewModel for MainActivity, handle Data Request and action. this ViewModel extended from BaseViewModel
  • BaseViewModel is a generic class which manage basic requirement for all ViewModel

    • BaseView is a sealed class for manage action network Status and implemented to use by SingleLiveEvent.

    • SingleLiveEvent use instead of callback in MVVM. you can find more about it in this Link

  • PageFragment is a Fragment extended from BaseFragment which used as page in ViewPager Main fragment.

    • BaseFragment is a generic class extended from Fragment which manage basic requirement are common in most Fragment.

    • PageFragmentViewModel is a viewModel for PageFragment, handle Data Request and action.(It does n't extend from BaseViewModel, I did n't have enough time solve it, so I should spend time to read about it and learn new things, thanks to u)

  • Koin used as dependencies injection. Module implemented in BaseApp and they are inject in BaseActivity and BaseFragment.

  • BaseApp is Application class and the link between Kotlin with JNI.

  • ServiceRepository is used for implementation RestApi service. I've used RestClient api for call restApi which developed by my self base on OkHttp

  • BindingAdapter class used for custom attribute we need for dataBinding.

  • AppExecutor is responsible for execute all task in the project on Network, IO and Main Thread.

  • LogHelper is a class for writing all Log in the hole project.

  • Test Class

    • androidTest - webServiceTest for mocking web Service and test result.(It need to be complete) - ArtistDaoTest for test database and Artist Table. - ListPageInstrumentedTest for test ListWithoutPaging and adapter.


- Android Studio 3.3.2
- Gradle version 4.10.2+
- Kotlin 1.3.21


Ali Shatergholi