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A caching library with advanced concurrency features designed to make I/O heavy applications robust and highly performant


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sturdyc: a caching library for building sturdy systems

Go Reference License: MIT Go Report Card Test codecov

Sturdyc is a highly concurrent cache that supports non-blocking reads and has a configurable number of shards that makes it possible to achieve parallel writes without any lock contention. The xxhash algorithm is used for efficient key distribution. Evictions are performed per shard based on recency at O(N) time complexity using quickselect.

It has all the functionality you would expect from a caching library, but what sets it apart is all the functionality you get that has been designed to make it easier to build highly performant and robust applications.

You can enable background refreshes which instructs the cache to refresh the keys which are in active rotation, thereby preventing them from ever expiring. This can have a huge impact on an applications latency as you're able to continiously serve data from memory:

sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, exponentialBackOff)

There is also excellent support for retrieving and caching data from batchable data sources. The cache disassembles the responses and then caches each record individually based on the permutations of the options with which it was fetched. To significantly reduce your applications outgoing requests to these data sources, you can instruct the cache to use refresh buffering:

sturdyc.WithRefreshBuffering(idealBatchSize, batchBufferTimeout)

sturdyc performs in-flight tracking for every key. This works for batching too where it's able to deduplicate a batch of cache misses, and then assemble the response by picking records from multiple in-flight requests.

Below is a screenshot showing the latency improvements we've observed after replacing our old cache with this package:

  Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 10 15 18  

In addition to this, we've seen our number of outgoing requests decrease by more than 90% while still serving data that is refreshed every second. This setting is configurable, and you can adjust it to a lower value if you like.

There are examples further down thise file that covers the entire API, and I encourage you to read these examples in the order they appear. Most of them build on each other, and many share configurations. Here is a brief overview of what the examples are going to cover:


go get

At a glance

The package exports the following functions:

  • Use Get to get a record from the cache.
  • Use GetFetch to have the cache fetch and store a record.
  • Use GetFetchBatch to have the cache fetch and store a batch of records.
  • Use Set to write a record to the cache.
  • Use SetMany to write multiple records to the cache.
  • Use Delete to delete a record from the cache.
  • Use Passthrough to have the cache fetch and store a record.
  • Use PassthroughBatch to have the cache fetch and store a batch of records.
  • Use Size to get the number of items in the cache.
  • Use Size to get the number of items in the cache.
  • Use PermutatedKey to create a permutated cache key.
  • Use PermutatedBatchKeyFn to create a permutated cache key for every record in a batch.
  • Use BatchKeyFn to create a cache key for every record in a batch.

To get started, you will first have to set up a cache client to hold your configuration:

	// Maximum number of entries in the cache. Exceeding this number will trigger
	// an eviction (as long as the "evictionPercentage" is greater than 0).
	capacity := 10000
	// Number of shards to use. Increasing this number will reduce write lock collisions.
	numShards := 10
	// Time-to-live for cache entries.
	ttl := 2 * time.Hour
	// Percentage of entries to evict when the cache reaches its capacity. Setting this
	// to 0 will make client.Set a no-op until an item has either expired or been deleted.
	evictionPercentage := 10

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[int](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage)

	cacheClient.Set("key1", 99)


Next, we'll look at some of the more advanced features.

Stampede protection

Cache stampedes (also known as thundering herd) occur when many requests for a particular piece of data, which has just expired or been evicted from the cache, come in at once

Preventing this has been one of the key objectives for this package. We do not want to cause a significant load on the underlying data source every time a key is missing or a record expires.

The GetFetch function takes a key and a function for retrieving the data if it's not in the cache. The cache is going to ensure that we never have more than a single request per key. It achieves this by tracking all of the in-flight requests:

	var count atomic.Int32
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (int, error) {
		return 1337, nil

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		go func() {
			// We can ignore the error given the fetchFn we're using.
			val, _ := cacheClient.GetFetch(context.Background(), "key2", fetchFn)
			log.Printf("got value: %d\n", val)

	log.Printf("fetchFn was called %d time\n", count.Load())

Running this program we'll see that our requests for "key2" were deduplicated, and that the fetchFn only got called once:

❯ go run .
2024/05/21 08:06:29 got value: 1337
2024/05/21 08:06:29 got value: 1337
2024/05/21 08:06:29 got value: 1337
2024/05/21 08:06:29 got value: 1337
2024/05/21 08:06:29 got value: 1337
2024/05/21 08:06:29 fetchFn was called 1 time
2024/05/21 08:06:29 1337 true

We can use the GetFetchBatch function for data sources that supports batching. To demonstrate this, I'll create a mock function that sleeps for 5 seconds, and then returns a map with a numerical value for every ID:

	var count atomic.Int32
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]int, error) {
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)

		response := make(map[string]int, len(ids))
		for _, id := range ids {
			num, _ := strconv.Atoi(id)
			response[id] = num

		return response, nil

Next, we'll need some batches to test with, so I created three batches with 5 IDs each:

	batches := [][]string{
		{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
		{"6", "7", "8", "9", "10"},
		{"11", "12", "13", "14", "15"},

IDs can often be fetched from multiple data sources. Hence, we'll want to prefix the ID in order to make the cache key unique. The package provides more functionality for this that we'll see later on, but for now we'll use the most simple version which adds a string prefix to every ID:

	keyPrefixFn := cacheClient.BatchKeyFn("my-data-source")

we can now request each batch in a separate goroutine:

	for _, batch := range batches {
		go func() {
			res, _ := cacheClient.GetFetchBatch(context.Background(), batch, keyPrefixFn, fetchFn)
			log.Printf("got batch: %v\n", res)

	// Give the goroutines above a chance to run to ensure that the batches are in-flight.
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)

At this point, the cache should have in-flight requests for IDs 1-15. Knowing this, we'll test the stampede protection by launching another five goroutines. Each goroutine is going to request two random IDs from our batches:

	// Launch another 5 goroutines that are going to pick two random IDs from any of the batches.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		go func() {
			ids := []string{batches[rand.IntN(2)][rand.IntN(4)], batches[rand.IntN(2)][rand.IntN(4)]}
			res, _ := cacheClient.GetFetchBatch(context.Background(), ids, keyPrefixFn, fetchFn)
			log.Printf("got batch: %v\n", res)

	log.Printf("fetchFn was called %d times\n", count.Load())

Running this program, and looking at the logs, we'll see that the cache is able to pick IDs from different batches:

❯ go run .
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[8:8 9:9]
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[4:4 9:9] <---- NOTE: ID 4 and 9 are part of different batches
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15]
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[1:1 7:7] <---- NOTE: ID 1 and 7 are part of different batches
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[10:10 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9]
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[3:3 9:9] <---- NOTE: ID 3 and 9 are part of different batches
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5]
2024/05/21 09:14:23 got batch: map[4:4 9:9] <---- NOTE: ID 4 and 9 are part of different batches
2024/05/21 09:14:23 fetchFn was called 3 times <---- NOTE: We only generated 3 outgoing requests.

And on the last line, we can see that we only generated 3 outgoing requests. The entire example is available here.

Background refreshes

It's fairly common to consume a data source where you have a rough idea of how often the data might change, or where it is acceptable for the data to be a couple of milliseconds old. It could also be that the data source has a rate limit, and that you're only allowed to query it once every second.

For these type of use cases, you can configure the cache to perform background refreshes. A refresh is scheduled if a key is requested again after a configurable amount of time has passed. This is an important distinction because it means that the cache doesn't just naively refresh every key it's ever seen. Instead, it only refreshes the records that are actually in rotation, while allowing unused keys to be deleted once their TTL expires.

Below is an example configuration:

func main() {
	// Set a minimum and maximum refresh delay for the record. This is
	// used to spread out the refreshes of our entries evenly over time.
	// We don't want our outgoing requests graph to look like a comb.
	minRefreshDelay := time.Millisecond * 10
	maxRefreshDelay := time.Millisecond * 30
	// The base used for exponential backoff when retrying a refresh. Most of the
	// time, we perform refreshes well in advance of the records expiry time.
	// Hence, we can use this to make it easier for a system that is having
	// trouble to get back on it's feet by making fewer refreshes when we're
	// seeing a lot of errors. Once we receive a successful response, the
	// refreshes return to their original frequency. You can set this to 0
	// if you don't want this behavior.
	retryBaseDelay := time.Millisecond * 10

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay),

To get a feeling for how this works, we'll create a simple API client that embedds the cache:

type API struct {

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c}

func (a *API) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
	// This could be an API call, a database query, etc.
    fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		return "value", nil
	return a.GetFetch(ctx, key, fetchFn)

return to our main function to create an instance of it, and then call the Get method in a loop:

func main() {
	// ...

	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](...)

	// Create a new API instance with the cache client.
	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// We are going to retrieve the values every 10 milliseconds, however the
	// logs will reveal that actual refreshes fluctuate randomly within a 10-30
	// millisecond range.
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		val, err := api.Get(context.Background(), "key")
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Failed to  retrieve the record from the cache.")
		log.Printf("Value: %s\n", val)

Running this program, we're going to see that the value gets refreshed once every 2-3 retrievals:

go run .
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key

This is going to reduce your response times significantly because none of your consumers will have to wait for the I/O operation that refreshes the data. It's always performed in the background as long as the key is being continuously requested. Being afraid that the record might get too stale if users stop requesting it is an indication of a TTL that is set too high. Remember, even if the TTL is exceeded and the key expires, you'll still get deduplication if it's suddenly requested in a burst again. The only difference is that the users will have to wait for the I/O operation that retrieves it.

Additionally, you'll be able to set a high TTL if you want to provide a degraded experience by continuously serving the most recent data you have cached even when an upstream system encounters issues and the refreshes begin to fail. The values for minRefreshDelay and maxRefreshDelay that we pass to sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes should specify an optimal interval of how fresh we'd like the data to be. The TTL should be set to a duration where exceeding it would make the data too outdated to be useful.

Now what if the record was deleted? Our cache might use a 2-hour-long TTL, and we definitely don't want it to take that long for the deletion to propagate.

However, if we were to modify our client so that it returns an error after the first request:

type API struct {
	count int

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{0, c}

func (a *API) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		if a.count == 1 {
			return "value", nil
		return "", errors.New("error this key does not exist")
	return a.GetFetch(ctx, key, fetchFn)

and then run the program again:

cd examples/stampede
go run .

We'll see that the exponential backoff kicks in, resulting in more iterations for every refresh, but the value is still being printed:

2024/05/09 13:22:03 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:03 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:22:04 Fetching value for key: key

This is a bit tricky because how you determine if a record has been deleted is going to vary based on your data source. It could be a status code, zero value, empty list, specific error message, etc. There is no way for the cache to figure this out implicitly.

It couldn't simply delete a record every time it receives an error. If an upstream system goes down, we want to be able to serve stale data for the duration of the TTL, while reducing the frequency of our refreshes to make it easier for them to recover.

Therefore, if a record is deleted, we'll have to explicitly inform the cache about it by returning a custom error:

fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		if a.count == 1 {
			return "value", nil
		return "", sturdyc.ErrDeleteRecord

If we run this application again we'll see that it works, and that we're no longer getting any cache hits. This leads to outgoing requests for every iteration:

2024/05/09 13:40:47 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Value: value
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Failed to  retrieve the record from the cache.
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Failed to  retrieve the record from the cache.
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Failed to  retrieve the record from the cache.
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 13:40:47 Failed to  retrieve the record from the cache.

Please note that we only have to return the sturdyc.ErrDeleteRecord when we're using GetFetch. For GetFetchBatch, we'll simply omit the key from the map we're returning. I think this inconsistency is a little unfortunate, but it was the best API I could come up with. Having to return an error like this even if the call was successful felt like awkward boilerplate for maps:

	batchFetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		response, err := myDataSource(cacheMisses)
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			// NOTE: Don't do this, it's just an example.
			if response[id]; !id {
                return response, sturdyc.ErrDeleteRecord
		return response, nil

The entire example is available here.

Non-existent records

In the example above, we could see that once we delete the key, the following iterations lead to a continuous stream of outgoing requests. This will happen for every ID that doesn't exist at the data source. If we can't retrieve it, we can't cache it. If we can't cache it, we can't serve it from memory. If this happens frequently, we'll experience a lot of I/O operations, which will significantly increase our system's latency.

The reasons why someone might request IDs that don't exist can vary. It could be due to a faulty CMS configuration, or perhaps it's caused by a slow ingestion process where it takes time for a new entity to propagate through a distributed system. Regardless, this will negatively impact our systems performance.

To address this issue, we can instruct the cache to mark these IDs as missing records. Missing records are refreshed at the same frequency as regular records. Hence, if an ID is continuously requested, and the upstream eventually returns a valid response, we'll see it propagate to our cache.

To illustrate, I'll make some small modifications to the code from the previous example. The only thing I'm going to change is to make the API client return a ErrStoreMissingRecord error for the first three requests. This error informs the cache that it should mark this key as missing.

type API struct {
	count int

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c, 0}

func (a *API) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		if a.count > 3 {
			return "value", nil
		// This error tells the cache that the data does not exist at the source.
		return "", sturdyc.ErrStoreMissingRecord
	return a.GetFetch(ctx, key, fetchFn)

Next, we'll just have to enable this functionality, and check for the ErrMissingRecord error which the cache returns when a record has been marked as missing:

func main() {
	// ...

	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay),

	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// ...
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		val, err := api.Get(context.Background(), "key")
		if errors.Is(err, sturdyc.ErrMissingRecord) {
			log.Println("Record does not exist.")
		if err == nil {
			log.Printf("Value: %s\n", val)

Running this program, we'll see that the record is missing during the first 3 refreshes and then transitions into having a value:

❯ go run .
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Record does not exist.
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Fetching value for key: key
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Value: value
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Value: value
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Value: value
2024/05/09 21:25:28 Fetching value for key: key

Please note that this functionality is implicit for GetFetchBatch:

	batchFetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		// The cache will check if every ID in cacheMisses is present in the response.
		// If it finds any IDs that are missing it will proceed to mark them as missing
		// if missing record storage is enabled.
		response, err := myDataSource(cacheMisses)
		return response, nil

The entire example is available here.

Batch endpoints

One challenge with caching batchable endpoints is that you have to find a way to reduce the number of keys. To illustrate, let's say that we have 10 000 records, and an endpoint for fetching them that allows for batches of 20. The IDs for the batch are supplied as query parameters, for example,,2,3,4,5,...20. If we were to use this as the cache key, the way many CDNs would do, we could quickly calculate the number of keys we would generate like this:

$$ C(n, k) = \binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} $$

For $n = 10,000$ and $k = 20$, this becomes:

$$ C(10,000, 20) = \binom{10,000}{20} = \frac{10,000!}{20!(10,000-20)!} $$

This results in an approximate value of:

$$ \approx 4.032 \times 10^{61} $$

and this is if we're sending perfect batches of 20. If we were to do 1 to 20 IDs (not just exactly 20 each time) the total number of combinations would be the sum of combinations for each k from 1 to 20.

We would essentially just be paying for extra RAM because the hit rate for each key would be so low that a cache-hit would feel like winning the lottery.

To prevent this, sturdyc pulls the response apart and caches each record individually. This effectively prevents super-polynomial growth in the number of cache keys because the batch itself is never going to be inlcuded in the key.

To get a feeling for how this works, let's once again build a small example application. This time, we'll start with the API client:

type API struct {

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c}

func (a *API) GetBatch(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]string, error) {
	// We are going to use a cache a key function that prefixes each id.
	// This makes it possible to save the same id for different data sources.
	cacheKeyFn := a.BatchKeyFn("some-prefix")

	// The fetchFn is only going to retrieve the IDs that are not in the cache.
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		log.Printf("Cache miss. Fetching ids: %s\n", strings.Join(cacheMisses, ", "))
		// Batch functions should return a map where the key is the id of the record.
		response := make(map[string]string, len(cacheMisses))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = "value"
		return response, nil

	return a.GetFetchBatch(ctx, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

and we're going to use the same cache configuration as the previous example, so I've omitted it for brevity:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Create a new API instance with the cache client.
	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// Make an initial call to make sure that IDs 1-10 are retrieved and cached.
	log.Println("Seeding ids 1-10")
	ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}
	api.GetBatch(context.Background(), ids)
	log.Println("Seed completed")

	// To demonstrate that the records have been cached individually, we can continue
	// fetching a random subset of records from the original batch, plus a new
	// ID. By examining the logs, we should be able to see that the cache only
	// fetches the ID that wasn't present in the original batch, indicating that
	// the batch itself isn't part of the key.
	for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
		// Get N ids from the original batch.
		recordsToFetch := rand.IntN(10) + 1
		batch := make([]string, recordsToFetch)
		copy(batch, ids[:recordsToFetch])
		// Add a random ID between 1 and 100 to the batch.
		batch = append(batch, strconv.Itoa(rand.IntN(1000)+10))
		values, _ := api.GetBatch(context.Background(), batch)
		// Print the records we retrieved from the cache.

Running this code, we can see that we only end up fetching the randomized ID, while continuously getting cache hits for IDs 1-10, regardless of what the batch looks like:

2024/04/07 11:09:58 Seed completed
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 173
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 173:value 2:value 3:value 4:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 12
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 12:value 2:value 3:value 4:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 730
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 2:value 3:value 4:value 730:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 520
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 2:value 3:value 4:value 5:value 520:value 6:value 7:value 8:value]

The entire example is available here.

Cache key permutations

If you're attempting to cache data from an upstream system, the ID alone may be insufficient to uniquely identify the record in your cache. The endpoint you're calling might accept a variety of options that transform the data in different ways.

Consider this:

curl https://movie-api/movies?ids=1,2,3&filterUpcoming=true&includeTrailers=false
curl https://movie-api/movies?ids=1,2,3&filterUpcoming=false&includeTrailers=true

The IDs might be enough to uniquely identify these records in a database. However, when you're consuming them through another system, they will probably appear completely different as transformations are applied based on the options you pass it. Hence, it's important that we store these records once for each unique option set.

The options does not have to be query parameters either. The data source you're consuming could still be a database, and the options that you want to make part of the cache key could be different types of filters.

Below is a small example application to showcase this functionality:

type OrderOptions struct {
	CarrierName        string
	LatestDeliveryTime string

type OrderAPI struct {

func NewOrderAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *OrderAPI {
	return &OrderAPI{c}

func (a *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, ids []string, opts OrderOptions) (map[string]string, error) {
	// We use the PermutedBatchKeyFn when an ID isn't enough to uniquely identify a
	// record. The cache is going to store each id once per set of options.
	cacheKeyFn := a.PermutatedBatchKeyFn("key", opts)

	// We'll create a fetchFn with a closure that captures the options. For this
	// simple example, it logs and returns the status for each order, but you could
	// just as easily have called an external API.
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching: %v, carrier: %s, delivery time: %s\n", cacheMisses, opts.CarrierName, opts.LatestDeliveryTime)
		response := map[string]string{}
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = fmt.Sprintf("Available for %s", opts.CarrierName)
		return response, nil
	return a.GetFetchBatch(ctx, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

The main difference from the previous example is that we're using PermutatedBatchKeyFn instead of BatchKeyFn. Internally, the cache will use reflection to extract the names and values of every exported field in the opts struct, and then include them when it constructs the cache keys.

The struct should be flat without nesting. The fields can be time.Time values, as well as any basic types, pointers to these types, and slices containing them.

Now, let's try to use this client:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Create a new cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay),

	// We will fetch these IDs using three different option sets.
	ids := []string{"id1", "id2", "id3"}
	optionSetOne := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "FEDEX", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-06"}
	optionSetTwo := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "DHL", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-07"}
	optionSetThree := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "UPS", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-08"}

	orderClient := NewOrderAPI(cacheClient)
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Next, we'll call the orderClient to make sure that we've retrieved and cached
	// these IDs for all of our option sets.
	log.Println("Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets")
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetOne)
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetTwo)
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetThree)
	log.Println("Cache filled")

At this point, the cache has stored each record individually for each option set. We can imagine that the keys would look something like this:


Next, we'll add a sleep to make sure that all of the records are due for a refresh, and then request the ids individually for each set of options:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Sleep to make sure that all records are due for a refresh.
	time.Sleep(maxRefreshDelay + 1)

	// Fetch each id for each option set.
	for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
		// NOTE: We're using the same ID for these requests.
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetOne)
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetTwo)
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetThree)

	// Sleep for a second to allow the refresh logs to print.

Running this program, we can see that the records are refreshed once per unique id+option combination:

go run .
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Cache filled
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07

The entire example is available here.

Refresh buffering

As seen in the example above, we're storing the records once for every set of options. However, we're not really utilizing the fact that the endpoint is batchable when we're performing the refreshes.

To make this more efficient, we can enable the refresh buffering functionality. Internally, the cache is going to create a buffer for every cache key permutation. It is then going to collect ids until it reaches a certain size, or exceeds a time-based threshold.

The only change we have to make to the previous example is to enable this feature:

func main() {
	// ...

	// With refresh buffering enabled, the cache will buffer refreshes
	// until the batch size is reached or the buffer timeout is hit.
	batchSize := 3
	batchBufferTimeout := time.Second * 30

	// Create a new cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithBackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay),
		sturdyc.WithRefreshBuffering(batchSize, batchBufferTimeout),

	// ...

and now we can see that the cache performs the refreshes in batches per permutation of our query params:

go run .
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Cache filled
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id3 id2], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08

The number of outgoing requests for the refreshes went from 9 to 3. Imagine what a batch size of 50 would do for your applications performance!

The entire example is available here.


There are times when you want to always retrieve the latest data from the source and only use the in-memory cache as a fallback. In such scenarios, you can use the Passthrough and PassthroughBatch functions. The cache will still perform in-flight request tracking and deduplicate your requests.

Distributed caching

I've thought about adding this functionality internally because it would be really fun to build. However, there are already a lot of other projects that have done this exceptionally well.

Therefore, I've tried to design the API for this package so that it's easy to use in combination with a distributed key-value store.

Let's use this function as an example:

func (o *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error) {
	fetchFn := func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
		var response OrderStatusResponse
		err := requests.URL(o.baseURL).
			Param("id", id).
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		return response.OrderStatus, nil

	return o.GetFetch(ctx, id, fetchFn)

The only modification you would have to make is to check the distributed storage first, and then write to it if the key is missing:

func (o *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error) {
	fetchFn := func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
		// Check redis cache first.
		if orderStatus, ok := o.redisClient.Get(id); ok {
			return orderStatus, nil

		// Fetch the order status from the underlying data source.
		var response OrderStatusResponse
		err := requests.URL(o.baseURL).
			Param("id", id).
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		// Add the order status to the redis cache.
		go func() { o.RedisClient.Set(id, response.OrderStatus, time.Hour) }()

		return response.OrderStatus, nil

	return o.GetFetch(ctx, id, fetchFn)

With this setup, sturdyc is going to handle request deduplication, refresh buffering, and cache key permutations. You are going to gain efficiency by enabling batch refreshes, and latency improvements whenever you're able to serve from memory.

Custom metrics

The cache can be configured to report custom metrics for:

  • Size of the cache
  • Cache hits
  • Cache misses
  • Evictions
  • Forced evictions
  • The number of entries evicted
  • Shard distribution
  • The size of the refresh buckets

All you have to do is implement the MetricsRecorder interface:

type MetricsRecorder interface {
	CacheBatchRefreshSize(size int)
	ObserveCacheSize(callback func() int)

and pass it as an option when you create the client:

cache := sturdyc.New[any](

Below are a few images where these metrics have been visualized in Grafana:

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 36 43 Here we can how often we're able to serve from memory. Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 37 39 This image displays the number of items we have cached. Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 38 04 This chart shows the batch sizes for the buffered refreshes. Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 38 20 And lastly, we can see the average batch size of our refreshes for two different data sources.

You are also able to visualize evictions, forced evictions which occur when the cache has reached its capacity, as well as the distribution between the shards.


Personally, I tend to create caches based on how frequently the data needs to be refreshed rather than what type of data it stores. I'll often have one transient cache which refreshes the data every 2-5 milliseconds, and another cache where I'm fine if the data is up to a minute old.

Hence, I don't want to tie the cache to any specific type so I'll often just use any:

	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[any](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.BackgroundRefreshes(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay),
		sturdyc.WithRefreshBuffering(10, time.Second*15),

However, having all client methods return any can quickly add a lot of boilerplate if you're storing more than a handful of types, and need to make type assertions.

If you want to avoid this, you can use any of the package level exports:

They will take the cache, call the function for you, and perform the type conversions internally. If the type conversions were to fail, you'll get a ErrInvalidType error.

Below is an example of what an API client that uses these functions could look like:

type OrderAPI struct {
	cacheClient *sturdyc.Client[any]

func NewOrderAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[any]) *OrderAPI {
	return &OrderAPI{cacheClient: c}

func (a *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]string, error) {
	cacheKeyFn := a.cacheClient.BatchKeyFn("order-status")
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		response := make(map[string]string, len(ids))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = "Order status: pending"
		return response, nil
	return sturdyc.GetFetchBatch(ctx, a.cacheClient, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

func (a *OrderAPI) DeliveryTime(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]time.Time, error) {
	cacheKeyFn := a.cacheClient.BatchKeyFn("delivery-time")
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]time.Time, error) {
		response := make(map[string]time.Time, len(ids))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = time.Now()
		return response, nil
	return sturdyc.GetFetchBatch(ctx, a.cacheClient, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

The entire example is available here.


A caching library with advanced concurrency features designed to make I/O heavy applications robust and highly performant




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