Sublime Text syntax highlighting for HL7 content.
Sublime Text 2:
git clone \
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/sublime-hl7-syntax
Sublime Text 3:
git clone \
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-hl7-syntax
First, install the Package Control plugin, instructions here:
Once you install Package Control, restart Sublime Text and bring up the Command Palette (command+shift+p on OS X, super+shift+p on Linux/Windows).
Select "Package Control: Install Package", wait while Package Control fetches the latest package list, then select "HL7" when the list appears.
File types ending in .edi
or .hl7
should automatically have syntax highlighting applied, if not use the following commands to set syntax to HL7:
- Linux: super+shift+p, then type ss hl7
- Windows: super+shift+p, then type ss hl7
- OS X: command+shift+p, then type ss hl7