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Stories is a issue validation framework that continuously validates the quality of a backlog (checking all user stories).

We want to apply the same principles we apply to code quality to the input (the product backlog). With Stories we are able to determine the "coverage" of a product backlog.

Things we meassure:

  • Is the user story format used? (As a ... I want ... So ...)
  • Does the story include acceptance criteria (Gherkin)? (Given ... when ... then ...)
  • Is the story estimated?
  • What is the age of story (with a threshold of x week)
  • When was the story mutated?
  • Are all stories linked to an Epic?

Getting started from binaries with your own validation



Because of the nature of the application, and since no backlog is the same, there is a hefty amount of configuration you can edit. The application is provided by sane defaults, except for the API config of your chosen source.

More about the configuration can be found in the docs section


At the moment there are some constraints on the data. In order to function properly:

  • User stories should end with a dot (.), and
  • User stories should be in a format: As a...I...So i
  • Acceptance criteria should end with a dot (.)
  • Acceptance criteria should use Gherkin language: Given..When..Then

Create your own build



mvn clean install package -P<community,enterprise>


java -jar stories-launcher/target/stories-launcher<version>.jar [OPTIONAL PARAMETERS]


Run profiles for connectivity.<community,enterprise>