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Bryn Rhodes edited this page May 5, 2024 · 1 revision

CQL Serialization

This page documents a proposed CQL serialization format using JSON serialization as specified in rfc8259.

CQL Types

  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Decimal
  • String
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Time
  • Quantity
  • Ratio
  • Vocabulary
    • CodeSystem
    • ValueSet
  • Code
  • Concept
  • Interval
  • List
  • Tuple
  1. Any JSON-mapped primitive type can be represented directly as the JSON serialization:
    1. Boolean
    2. Integer
    3. Decimal (with the exception that a decimal SHALL be present)
    4. String
  2. Any value can be represented as a class value:
    1. A JSON object with a nominated element @type that is the CQL type specifier for the type of the value
      1. For tuple types specifically, the @type element is optional, and if specified, does not have to be the full tuple type, it can be just "Tuple"
    2. For primitive types, a nominated element value that is the JSON-mapped primitive value, or a String that is the CQL literal for the value
    3. For structured types, the set of elements in the structure
    4. For Interval types, low, lowClosed, high, and highClosed
    5. For Ratio types, numerator, and denominator
    6. For Quantity types, value and unit


define CQLBooleanExample: true

or as a class:

  "@type": "System.Boolean",
  "value": true
codesystem ExampleCodeSystem: 'http:'
code ExampleCode: 'example-code' from ExampleCodeSystem

define CQLCodeExample: ExampleCode
  "@type": "System.Code",
  "code": "example-code",
  "system": "http:"
codesystem ExampleCodeSystem: 'http:'

define CQLCodeSystemExample: ExampleCodeSystem
  "@type": "System.CodeSystem",
  "id": "http:",
  "name": "ExampleCodeSystem"
codesystem ExampleCodeSystem: 'http:'
code ExampleCode: 'example-code' from ExampleCodeSystem
concept ExampleConcept: { ExampleCode }

define CQLConceptExample: ExampleConcept
  "@type": "System.Concept",
  "codes": [
      "@type": "System.Code",
      "code": "example-code",
      "system": "http:"
define CQLDateExample: @2024-01-01
  "@type": "System.Date",
  "value": "@2024-01-01"
define CQLDateTimeExample: @2024-01-01T10:30:00Z
  "@type": "System.DateTime",
  "value": "@2024-01-01T10:30:00Z"
define CQLDecimalExample: 10.0

NOTE: When rendered as a JSON-mapped primitive, decimal values SHALL include a decimal point

or as a structured value:

  "@type": "System.Decimal",
  "value": 10.0
define CQLLongExample: 10L
  "@type": "System.Long",
  "value": 10
define CQLIntegerExample: 10

or as a class:

  "@type": "System.Integer",
  "value": 10
define CQLQuantityExample: 10 'mg'
  "@type": "System.Quantity",
  "value": 10,
  "unit": "mg"
define CQLRatioExample: 5 'mg' : 10 'mg'
  "@type": "System.Ratio",
      "@type": "System.Quantity",
      "value": 5,
      "unit": "mg"
      "@type": "System.Quantity",
      "value": 10,
      "unit": "mg"
define CQLStringExample: 'John'

or as a class:

  "@type": "System.System",
  "value": "John"
define CQLTimeExample: @T10:30:00
  "@type": "System.Time",
  "value": "@T10:30:00"
valueset ExampleValueSet: 'http:'

define CQLValueSetExample: ExampleValueSet
  "@type": "System.ValueSet",
  "id": "http:",
  "name": "ExampleValueSet"
parameter ExampleVocabulary Vocabulary default ExampleValueSet

define CQLVocabularyExample: ExampleVocabulary
  "@type": "System.Vocabulary",
  "id": "http:",
  "name": "ExampleValueSet"


define CQLDateIntervalExample: Interval[@2024-01-01, @2024-01-31]
  "@type": "Interval<System.Date>",
      "@type": "System.Date",
      "value": "@2024-01-01"
  "lowClosed": true
      "@type": "System.Date",
      "value": "@2024-01-31"
  "highClosed": true


define CQLDateTimeIntervalExample: Interval[@2024-01-01T10:30:00Z, @2024-01-31T10:30:00Z]
  "@type": "Interval<System.DateTime>",
      "@type": "System.DateTime",
      "value": "@2024-01-01T10:30:00Z"
  "lowClosed": true
      "@type": "System.DateTime",
      "value": "@2024-01-31T10:30:00Z"
  "highClosed": true


define CQLTimeIntervalExample: Interval[@T10:30:00, @T11:30:00]
  "@type": "Interval<System.Time>",
      "@type": "System.Time",
      "value": "@T10:30:00"
  "lowClosed": true
      "@type": "System.Time",
      "value": "@T11:30:00"
  "highClosed": true


define CQLIntegerIntervalExample: Interval[5, 10]
  "@type": "Interval<System.Integer>",
  "low": 5
  "lowClosed": true
  "high": 10
  "highClosed": true


define CQLQuantityIntervalExample: Interval[5 'mg', 10 'mg']
  "@type": "Interval<System.Quantity>",
      "@type": "System.Quantity",
      "value": 5.0,
      "unit": "mg"
  "lowClosed": true
      "@type": "System.Quantity",
      "value": 10.0,
      "unit": "mg"
  "highClosed": true


define CQLListExample: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]


define CQLTupleExample: { X: 1, Y: 1 }
  "X": 1,
  "Y": 1

Choice List

define CQLChoiceListExample: List<Choice<Integer, Decimal>> { 1, 1.0 }
[ 1, 1.0 ]

Tuple List

define CQLTupleListExample: { { X: 1, Y: 1 }, { X: 1, Y: 2 }, { X: 1, Y: 3 } }
  { "X": 1, "Y": 1 },
  { "X": 1, "Y": 2 },
  { "X": 1, "Y": 3 }

Complex Tuple

define CQLComplexTupleExample: { id: 1, name: 'Patrick', address: { { street: '123 Spinning Ave', city: 'Dayton', state: 'OH' } } }
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Patrick",
  "address": [
      "street": "123 Spinning Ave",
      "city": "Dayton",
      "state": "OH"

Complex Tuple List

define CQLComplexTupleExample: { id: 1, name: 'Patrick', address: { { street: '123 Spinning Ave', city: 'Dayton', state: 'OH' } } }
define CQLComplexTupleListExample: { CQLComplexTupleExample }
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Patrick",
    "address": [
        "street": "123 Spinning Ave",
        "city": "Dayton",
        "state": "OH"

Empty List

define CQLComplexTupleExample: { id: 1, name: 'Patrick', address: { { street: '123 Spinning Ave', city: 'Dayton', state: 'OH' } } }
define CQLComplexTupleListExample: { CQLComplexTupleExample }
define CQLEmptyListExample: CQLComplexTupleListExample E where false
[ ]