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Course exercises

This repository contains a collection of well-documented exercises that are designed to be complementary to the lectures. The point of these exercises is to provide the course attendees with hand-on experience.


  1. Workspace & Project Basics [lecture | exercise]
    • Set-up Go environment
    • Get familiar with the go executable
  2. Katas #1 [lecture | exercise]
    • Solve simple exercises focused on common mistakes
  3. Options & Katas #2 [lecture | exercise]
    • Implement the options builder pattern
    • Solve simple exercises focused on common mistakes
  4. Concurrency [lecture | exercise]
    • Implement concurrent components for an invoice service
  5. Generics & Testing [lecture | exercise]
    • Implement and test a generic data structure
  6. Optimizations [lecture | exercise]
    • Generate and analyze performance profiles using pprof
  7. REST API [lecture | exercise]
    • Implement REST API for a Todo application using net/http
  8. Docker [lecture | exercise]
    • Create Dockerfile & Compose for the Todo application using databases/sql
  9. Databases [lecture | exercise]
    • Implement persistance for the Todo application
  10. Infrastructure [lecture | exercise]
    • Set-up Caddy server as a reversed proxy for the ping-pong application
    • Explore Google Cloud Platform
  11. Observability [lecture | exercise]
    • Expose Prometheus metrics for the Todo application
    • Explore OpenTelemetry Demo